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[2021] Crassula Release Week 38

v21.09.6 - 21.09.8

New Features

Card activation configuration

Now it is possible to configure the card activation process to be executed only in the Mobile Interface. Thus, if a client tries to activate a plastic or virtual card in the Web Interface, a message defining the restrictions will be shown. This functionality can be enabled in the system settings. Contact your manager for configuration details.

ClearBank integration

ClearBank service provider is integrated to provide multicurrency, virtual, and real accounts. Contact your manager for configuration details.

Payments return

Now it is possible to make recalls and refunds for payments executed by the Bank of Lithuania (Litas) service provider. The functionality can be enabled in the system config and then it will be available in the Administrative Panel. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Issued cards list per account

Now it is possible to see all cards issued to an account in the Account details tab of the Administrative Panel.

Multicurrency label

The new “Multi” label is implemented for multicurrency accounts to clearly identify them in the Banking Web Interface. Now the currency field demonstrates one of the following options:

  • If a multicurrency account has only one currency present at the moment, the “Multi” label and the currency code are displayed.

  • If a multicurrency account has several currencies present at the moment, all present currency codes are displayed.

  • If there is a mono-currency account, the only currency code will be displayed.


Company documents

If company documents were checked by the SumSub service provider, there was a chance they could not be downloaded from the company profile. The issue is fixed.

Companies list

In some cases, it was impossible to scroll the list of companies in the Profile option of the Web Interface. The issue could appear if a client had more than three companies present. Now the issue is fixed.

Prolonged cards

Some prolonged cards could fail when making eCommerce payments. Now the expiration dates are rewritten in the system if the validity period was extended by the emitter.

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