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[2021] Crassula Release Week 41

core v21.10.4, v21.10.5
client v21.10.3

New Features

AlponHub payment components

Now all transactions from AplonHub are imported to our system. If the IBAN for the imported transaction is present in the system, then the import will be executed normally. If the IBAN is not present in the system, such transactions will be sent to a special account (specified in the config) in the Pending status. It is possible to manually change the beneficiary of the payment using the newly created button. Contact your manager for configuration details.

Card PIN display

Now it is possible to enable or disable the card PIN display for the Banking Web Interface. The functionality is to be added in the system configs. Contact your manager for configuration details.

Decta service provider integration

Now it is possible to issue cards using the new Decta service provider. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Contact details

Now the phone number and email details are displayed as plain text.

The BGN currency icon

Now the BGN currency is provided with an icon in the Banking Web Interface.

The Italian language icon

Now the Italian language option is provided with an icon in the Banking Web Interface settings.

Payout request parameters

Now several new parameters are available for configuration when creating a payout using the Contact service provider.


Banking Web Interface

The Back button could not operate correctly when trying to issue a card in the Banking Web Interface. The issue is fixed.

Contact details

Emails and phone numbers could not be displayed for some customer profiles when in the Edit mode. Now the issue is fixed.

Multicurrency label

The Multi label could not be displayed for some multicurrency accounts in the Administrative Panel. The issue is fixed and now all multicurrency accounts are provided with the label.

Top-up transactions

Some failed top-up transactions remained in the Pending status instead of being declined. The issue is fixed.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.