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[2021] Crassula Release Week 52

core v.22.01.1-22.01.2

New Features

Email notifications

Now email notifications are sent to Clients when ClearBank and Aplonhub accounts are activated. The feature is enabled for accounts opened manually via the Banking Web Interface.

Manual payments

Now outgoing transfers can be created manually in the Administrative Panel. See How to create a Transaction for available options.


Account details

The Sort code parameter is removed from the Administrative Panel. It is still possible to edit the setting in the system config.

SWIFT payments

Now Address, City, and State fields are validated when processing SWIFT payments.



  • In some cases, a Card account could be considered primary restraining Clients from opening a new Standard account. Now Card accounts are separated from Standard accounts fixing the issue.

  • GBP accounts could be assigned to EU IBANs. Now the issue is fixed, and IBANs are set correctly.


Now a payout transaction cannot be created in the Merchant Dashboard if a payout project is not configured.

Web Interface

The cache problem is fixed. Now correct user data is displayed when ordering a new card after logging into a new profile.

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