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Embedded Finance

The functionality is under development and is subject to change. The article is intended to announce the upcoming functionality release and provide a brief overview.


In common setups, Crassula integrates providers into White Labels' systems to deliver financial services.

The Embedded Finance solution allows to accumulate all service providers and deliver them as one on Crassula’s behalf. Thus, a White Label provided the service does not require multiple integrations and can engage their own child Brand White Labels as financial businesses.

The communication scheme is implemented as follows:

Brand White Labels

Brand White Labels are considered as child projects of a Master White Label that takes all administrative functionalities, such as compliance monitoring, managing client profiles, and processing transactions. Brand White Labels are provided with a read-only Administrative—all back-end issues and requests are navigated to the Master White Label to be resolved.

Currently, Brand White Labels are provided with a limited list of banking functionalities which is subject to change in the upcoming releases. See the following table for details:


Master WL

Brand WL

Creating personal profiles



Creating company profiles



Single currency accounts



Multi-currency accounts



Price lists









Card issuing



Currency exchange



European transfers



Internal transfers



Local transfers



International transfers



Dynamic international



Transfers between own accounts



Crypto transfers



Batch payments



Banking reports



Access roles



Access groups



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