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[2022] Crassula Release Week 10

core v.22.03.4-22.03.7

New Features

Western Union integration

The new service provider is integrated. Now it is possible to open accounts, top up accounts, and send SWIFT tranfers using the Western Union services. Contact your manager for configuration details.



The new transaction_filter_default_limit parameter is implemented in Crassula API. Now it is possible to define the maximum number of imported transactions. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Additional checks for special symbols are implemented for the tranfer form fields. The following transfer types will not be excuted if a special symbol is present in the form:

  • To another Client

  • UK local

  • European international



An error occured when sorting the list of Companies by the Owner parameter. Now the list can be sorted correctly.


Banking accounting reports did not provide all parameters for some clients. Now the issue is fixed.


  • Transactions imported with no defined currency could not be processed correctly. Now the issue is fixed.

  • Some transactions could be imported with no Remmiter name details. Now the parameter is automatically set according to the merchant_details field.

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