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[2022] Crassula Release Week 11

core v.22.03.8-22.03.10

New Features

New crypto currency

The new UMW crypto currency is available. The implemented functionality is limited and includes only the following actions:

  • UMW account opening

  • UMW accountactivation

  • UMW internal transfers:

    • Between own accounts

    • From client to client

    • Internal transfers created in the Administrative Panel

The new crypto currency is disabled by default. Contact your manager for configuration details.

Scheduled payments

Now it is possible to add Scheduled payments to the Web Interface. The functionality allows the end-user to specify date and time of payment execution. The implemented solution is not available by default and must be enabled in the system configs. Contact your manager for configuration details.



  • Now it is possible to disable IBAN for a Finance account. The functionality is implemented via API and requires configuration. Contact your manager for additional details.

  • Now the Provider and Currency parameters are not available for editing for activated accounts. The parameters are still editable for nonactivated accounts.

Administrative panel

The Help button is implemented in the following sections:

  • Transactions

  • Saved top-up cards



When re-activating accounts after suspension, account provider details could be cleared. Now the issue is fixed.


Some transfers could not be executed via the Western Union service provider due to the Customer ID parameter not being received. Now the issue is fixed.

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