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[2024] Crassula Release Week 12

core v.24.03.8-24.03.9
client v.24.03.6-24.03.7

New Features

New service provider

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Unnax service provider. Although the KYC (Know Your Customer) and KYB (Know Your Business) functionalities were not included in this release and have been implemented by a third party for use, you can still take advantage of SEPA transfers and the IBAN functionality.



  • Introduced new endpoints to retrieve the operational times (working hours) of currency exchange providers:

    • In terms of currency exchange API: /exchange/api/operation-time/{from}-{to}

    • In terms of banking API: /api/clients/{clientId}/operation-time/{from}-{to}

  • Added the shipping.feeId field to the /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards method: This field indicates the shipping method selected by the customer.

See Banking API for details.

Mobile Banking Interface

Renamed the Account number field to Account number/IBAN for international transfers.


Updated documents and procedures to align with the latest Litas SEPA update.

Web Banking Interface

Renamed the Account number field to Account number/IBAN for international transfers.



In the /api/clients/{{clientId}}/currency/exchange and /api/clients/{{clientId}}/currency/exchange/dryrun endpoints, we have updated the response to return a 422 error instead of HTTP code 200 when requests contain identical currencies in the request body. This change better indicates issues in API requests.

See Banking API for details.

Mobile Banking Interface

Earlier, configuring the set of Terms of Service (ToS) documents for agreement during the registration of a new person or company was not possible. This issue is resolved, with functionality to add or remove ToS documents implemented in the Mobile Interface.

Web Banking Interface

  • Previously, users could not select the application language while registering a new company or individual, and had to proceed with the default language. This functionality is enhanced, allowing users to choose the application language from a list of supported languages when registering a new entity.

  • Formerly, disabling the feature toggles transfers.send_again and transfers.send_back did not remove the corresponding buttons from the Web Interface as intended. This issue is resolved, and the functionality operates correctly, with the buttons no longer displayed when the toggles are disabled.

Upcoming Updates


API documentation

We're enhancing the documentation for the api/clients/{clientId}/scoring/huntli endpoint by removing any mention of the SumSub provider from the description, as it is not associated with scoring providers. Additionally, we're providing a more accurate description of the 422 error.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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