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Crassula Release Week 12

core v.25.03.9-25.03.15
client v.25.03.4-25.03.6

New Features

ClearJunction Sepa Instant

SEPA Instant payments are now supported for ClearJunction.



A new configuration has been introduced in the Accounts section, allowing administrators to restrict available account types when creating new accounts in the Admin Panel. When enabled, this ensures that specific account types are not available for selection.


A new 403 Forbidden error response has been implemented for cases when an incorrect API token is provided. This applies to the following API methods:

  • PATCH /api/clients/{clientId}/emails/{id}/send

  • PATCH /api/clients/{clientId}/phones/{id}

Previously, these errors incorrectly returned a 422 Validation Failed response. The API documentation has been updated accordingly. See Banking API for additional details.


  • The minimum password length for card password setup and changes has increased from 8 to 12 characters, enhancing security.

  • The card activation flow for Decta cards has been updated to support two separate activation methods. A new activation step, requiring the entry of the last 6 digits of the card number, can now be enabled in the Admin Panel. The feature is controlled by the corresponding configuration flag in system settings and the “Activation steps“ field in the Admin Panel. If the feature flag is disabled, the default activation flow will remain active. Frontend support for this feature will follow in a future release. Contact your manager for configuration details.


A new parameter, onboardingCompleted, has been added to the Onboarding Questionnaire. This allows administrators to track the completion status (true or false) of a questionnaire through the new endpoint: GET /api/endusers/{enduserId}/onboarding_questionnaire/status. Frontend implementation will be included in upcoming releases.


  • Transaction synchronization in the “Accounts“ section of the Admin Panel has been optimized to process transactions in batches. This update significantly improves synchronization speed, particularly when processing large volumes of transactions.

  • Additional banking information, including IBAN and related details, is now recorded for both sender and recipient in internal transactions. Now, the information is consistently provided for both credit and debit transactions.


The verification process for Railsr has been upgraded from API version 1 to version 2. Accounts can no longer be activated in Railsr unless verification is completed through Sumsub.

Web Interface

The custom footer feature has been expanded. Different footers can now be set independently for the login page, dashboard, payments, currency exchange, and accounts sections.



Resolved an issue preventing the activation of ClearJunction accounts.

Card products

Fixed an issue where cloned card products could not be edited and updated in the Admin Panel.


Resolved an issue with Custom Threshold Limits, where limits were calculated incorrectly under certain circumstances.


Fixed a critical issue that caused a 500 error when processing internal transactions between accounts with IBANs.

Upcoming Updates



Draft payments

Draft payments for SEPA, internal, SWIFT, local, and crypto transactions will be available through a new API endpoint:

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/drafts/{type}


ClearBank CHAPS payments API will be updated to version 5, aligning with ISO 20022 standards. The existing v4 endpoints will be deprecated on or shortly after May 1, 2025. The following endpoints will be replaced:

  • POST payments/chaps/v4/customer-paymentsPOST payments/chaps/v5/customer-payments

  • POST payments/chaps/v4/return-paymentsPOST payments/chaps/v5/return-payments

The new CHAPS v5 endpoints will require additional mandatory fields:

  • instructionIdentification: Payment identifier (string)

  • endToEndIdentification: Sender’s payment identifier (string)

  • instructedAmount: Payment amount

  • recipientIban: Recipient’s IBAN

  • categoryPurpose: Payment category (enum)

  • remittanceInformation: Payment details (includes creditorReferenceInformation)

  • purpose: Underlying reason for the payment transaction


The logic for validating KYC documents used for Reap and Decta card orders will be updated. Users verified with documents not supported by these providers will not see the card ordering option in the frontend. At this stage, users will not yet be prompted to submit alternative KYC documentation. Further improvements to this process will be announced in subsequent releases.

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