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[2024] Crassula Release Week 14-15

core v.24.04.3-24.04.6
client v.24.04.2-24.04.3

New Features

New BaaS Provider

We are excited to announce the launch of a new BaaS provider, Unlimit. This release features only the initial implementation of the solution, which will be supplemented in upcoming product updates.


Administrative Panel

  • Removed the Exchange Orders and New Order functionality from Admin panel, along with their corresponding API endpoints.

  • Added a new feature for cards issued by companies with a Railsr provider: When viewing an issued card in the contacts column, users can now use a button to update contact information, such as phone numbers.

  • For outgoing transactions, we have increased the maximum character limit in the Details field from 35 to 140 characters.

Web Interface

  • Added functionality that automatically populates the Referral Code field during new account registration if the provided URL includes the necessary parameters. For example:

  • Enhanced the behavior of drop-down menus with suggested options: Now, such menus will be disabled if only one option is available. This functionality is implemented for the sign-up form in the current release.

  • Removed the Exchange Orders and New Order functionality, along with their corresponding UI elements.


Administrative Panel

Fixed an issue with selecting a Vault account in the transaction section under the Admin->Transactions & Admin->Vaults tab.


Added validation for the registrationNumber field in the POST/api/clients/{clientId}/companies API method to prevent issues related to incorrect data entry.

See Banking API for additional details.


Implemented a restriction on the selection of available currencies in the Price List for certain card fees to resolve conflicts arising from transactions and fees processed in different currencies. For the following fees, only the company's default currency can now be selected:

  • Issuing

  • Additional issuing

  • Shipping fee

  • Convert to plastic


Previously, users were unable to fill the person's address index with zeros, preventing some transactions from being completed. This issue is now resolved, and the functionality operates as intended.

Web Interface

Previously, clicking the Pay Again button during a transaction did not trigger any action. This issue is resolved. Now, clicking the button automatically fills in the Sort Code fields for FPS Local and SWIFT/BIC fields for CHAPS Local payments.

Upcoming Updates



We will be removing the OTHER company type for users of the Modulr provider.


We will be enhancing the card top-up workflow: Users will soon be able to top up cards using both virtual and regular accounts. The following API methods will be updated as part of these changes:

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/top-up/dry-run:

    • New parameters: isPreApprovalEnabled and currencyConversionAccount.

    • Enhanced error handling: A detailed description of a 400 error when currencyConversionAccount cannot be found.

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/top-up:

    • Enhanced error handling: A detailed description of a 400 error when currencyConversionAccount cannot be found.

Web Interface

We will be enhancing the Currency exchange workflow by introducing a partnerId parameter to identify transactions and adding a pop-up notification. This notification will confirm the transaction's success even if an error message indicates that a transaction with the same partnerId has already been processed.

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