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[2022] Crassula Release Week 20

core v.22.05.8-22.05.13
client v.22.05.5-22.05.9

New Features

Access roles for Companies and Persons

Now the Access role parameter is available in both Show and Edit tabs of client profiles.

Verification level upgrade

The new Change verification level fee is implemented. Now you can integrate a fee for verification level upgrade. See Price lists for details.

Web Interface logs

The new Sentry integration is now available. Now it is possible to access Web Interface logs for troubleshooting purposes.


Account statement

Now account statements do not include the inforamtion on dates of birth.


Now the Account number parameter is validated. The value is limited by 40 symbols—an error appears when the limit is exceeded.

Administrative panel

The Help button is implemented in the following Exchange sections:

  • Transactions

  • Requests


Now an error message appears when crypto exchange is not available for a crypto pair.


Now the date of incoming crypto transfer deposit corresponds to the one provided by BitGo.

Web Interface

  • The SWIFT/BIC parameter is moved higher in the International transfer form.

  • The Greek language is now available in the Web Interface.

  • Now time session expires only in case of inactivity.


Administrative panel

  • The sender and recipient names are now displayed correctly in the transaction details information.

  • Now only Companies related to the selected Person are displayed in their profile details.

  • Price lists were not available for creation and editing. The issue is fixed.


Some documents for SumSub verification could not be uploaded. Now the issue is fixed.


The tier upgrade benefits could not be visible for some clients. The issue is fixed.

Web Interface

  • The top banner and menu items could not be displayed correctly. Now all UI elements are fixed.

  • The profile page could not be reloaded for some clients. The issue is fixed.

  • Account details are now displayed correctly for the main window.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.