[2022] Crassula Release Week 21
core v.22.05.15-22.05.17

New Features
Railbank ledger scheme
The Railsbank Banking-EU-1 Ledger is now available. Contactr your manager for configuration details.
Administrative panel
The Limit thresholds field is not marked as mandatory any more for the profile creation window.
Now it is possible to select currencies from a drop-down list when filtering transactions by currency.
Now a Dictionary label name can contain special symbols, such as /, ?, and >.
The Yoomoney URL is updated for ecommerce acquiring.
Web Interface
A tooltip is implemented for Scheduled payments.
Now clients cannot upgrade their Tier level when their balance is insufficient.
Some CFSmoney accounts could not be activated. Now the issue is fixed.
Administrative panel
The Accounting report filter is fixed.
Some System deposit transactions remained in the Pending state. The issue is fixed.
Some Unlimint eCommerce transactions were declined due to exceeded timeouts. The issue is fixed.
Crypto Vaults could not be created. The issue is fixed.
Web Interface
Tier upgrade could not be performed due to scrolling issues when using small screens.
UI elements disappeared from the payment form when making a second crypto payment in a row.