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Crassula Release Week 25

core v.24.06.4-24.06.8
client v.24.06.3-24.06.6


Administrative Panel

  • A new Custom document type has been implemented that allows you to customize Terms of Service and other legal documents. The corresponding API has been added.

  • A new Client field has been added to the Issued Card details. This field provides the cardholder’s name and their profile in the Crassula system.

  • The import of top-up transactions for Intercash cards has been removed. Previously, incorrect top-up operations caused duplicate entries, resulting in an inaccurate balance display.


  • Legal Documents API has been improved:

    • GET /api/public/legal-documents/{type}: A new query parameter, documentId, has been added. It allows retrieval of a document of type Custom by its ID.

    • GET /api/public/custom-legal-documents: A new endpoint for retrieving a list of custom documents. This can be filtered by clientType and countryCode.

  • Parameter update in the Exchange API:

    • A new parameter, exchangeAll, has been added to the following endpoints:

      • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/currency/exchange/dry-run

      • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/currency/exchange

    • If exchangeAll is enabled, the IncludeFeeInFromAmount will be ignored.

See Banking API for additional details.

Card issuing

  • KYC document submission has been updated. Previously, account owner (client) documents were sent to the provider for KYC checks. Now, the cardholder's documents will be sent for verification. The cardholder's data will be linked to the card through the client_id field in the system.

  • The card order fee has been transitioned to a new transaction flow: If there are insufficient funds in the account to cover the card issuance fee, the message “The customer's account has insufficient funds for the attempted operation. Top up the account and retry the operation.” will be displayed. Previously, the transaction remained in the Waiting for funds status.

Currency exchange

The Exchange all button has been implemented to convert all the funds excluding commissioning.

Mobile Interface

  • Dynamic Payments Design has been improved:

    • The design for Dynamic payments has been updated to match the new design solutions.

    • Dynamic payments have been renamed to Bank transfer.

    • Fees are always shown for SWIFT and SEPA payment methods.

  • Real accounts, along with virtual ones, can be used to top-up cards. Account opening will be suggested if no account exists in the target currency.

  • A new Max button has been implemented for exchange. It allows users to exchange all funds from the accounts as in the Exchange all feature.

  • Minor namings have been polished to be identical across both iOS and Android platforms.

Web Interface

Fees are always shown for SWIFT and SEPA payment methods of Bank transfers.

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