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[2024] Crassula Release Week 28

core v.24.07.3-24.07.5
client v.24.07.3-24.07.4


Administrative Panel

Added filters to the Direct Debit mandates section.


Removed references to the Subscription plan functionality from the Banking API. Specifically:

  • Removed the subscriptionPlan parameter from POST /api/price-list and PUT /api/price-list/{id}.

  • Removed feeType descriptions 5 - CHANGE_PERSON_SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN and 6 - CHANGE_COMPANY_SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN from the /reports/banking/fees-charged.{format} filters.

See Banking API for details

Card issuing

  • Updated the configuration for card issuance limits, allowing administrators to set a specific number of cards that can be issued per user, instead of only unlimited or one card.

  • For Intercash card issuance with auto-generated accounts, the account name format will now be {currency_name} + plastic/virtual + {card_mask}. For example, EUR virtual *8160. This service is fully implemented only for clients with the Intercash provider.

Mobile Interface

  • Improved the login process so that the initial login for users with company accounts will only access the company. Subsequent logins will redirect based on the last type of account the user worked with. These changes are also reflected in the Web Banking Interface.

  • Enhanced the card issuing interface by adding a list of various currencies for users to select from when ordering a card.

  • Added functionality to configure custom checkboxes for additional legal documents. Admins can now create multiple custom legal documents and collect consents for these documents (e.g., T&Cs or marketing agreements).

  • Removed all instances related to the deprecated Subscription plan functionality. These changes are also reflected in the Administrative Panel.

Web Interface

Added checkboxes for custom legal agreements in registration forms (for both persons and companies) and in the form for creating a new company.


Administrative Panel

Recently, users faced issues generating IBANs via the Administrative Panel. This problem is fixed by improving the validation message when generating IBANs.

Currency exchange

  • Lately, customers faced issues with fiat-crypto currency exchanges due to incorrect rounding parameters in KuCoin MARKET order requests. This issue is fixed, and the functionality now operates as intended.

  • Recently, users encountered internal errors when creating limit orders on KuCoin. This issue is resolved.


  • Previously, clients with the Clear Junction provider experienced transfer difficulties due to a four-digit Beneficiary Postal Code instead of six. This issue is now resolved, as the system now accepts four-digit postal codes.

  • Previously, clients with the Clear Junction provider had difficulties with CHAPS transactions because the bankCode field used sortCode instead of swift. This issue is now fixed, and the correct field is used for CHAPS payments.

  • Previously, a 500 error occurred when using the transfer_fee_credit_in_default_currency: true configuration while performing a transfer in a non-default currency. This issue is now resolved.

  • Users previously encountered issues with payment processing due to the character limit in the description field for internal payments being too short. The character limit is increased from 35 to 140 characters, resolving this issue.

Upcoming Updates

No updates this week

This week, we do not have any new updates to announce. However, we encourage you to explore our Improvements and Fixes sections for details on the exciting enhancements included in this release!

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