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Crassula Release Week 3

core v.25.01.5-25.01.6
client v.25.01.3-25.01.4



  • Refined the logic for creating fees to ensure better control over percentage values:

    • Transfer fees: In the Admin panel, the Percent field in the Transfer Fees section now allows values up to 100.00%. Any value exceeding 100.00% is rejected. The POST /api/client-fee/transfer-fee method enforces the same restriction, returning an error for percentages above 100.00%.

    • FX Markup Fees: In the Admin panel, the Percent field in the FX Markup Fees section accepts values from 0.00% to 98.99%. Percentages exceeding 98.99% is not permitted. The POST /api/client-fee/fx-markup method also enforces this range, rejecting values above 98.99% and returning an error.

  • The GET /api/clients/{clientId}/accounts/{accountId}/requisite method now includes a new hint parameter. This parameter provides tips or guidance related to specific requisites, which can be pre-configured by technical support in system settings. The new Hints functionality is also reflected in Web and Mobile Interfaces

See the Banking API docs for more detail.


In alignment with the updated PCI DSS 4.0 requirements, password creation standards are updated to ensure a higher level of security. The new requirements include a minimum length of 12 characters (or 8 characters if the system does not support 12) and the mandatory inclusion of both numeric and alphabetic characters. This update applies to passwords associated with the following entities: Administrator, Person, and Company. Please note that previously created passwords will still be supported; the new requirements apply only to newly created passwords. For more information on the upcoming update, see the Upgrade Notes Week 3 page.


  • Added support for the TON cryptocurrency along with its corresponding icon in both Web and Mobile Interfaces.

  • In Web interface, introduced the display of aggregate equivalent balances (in fiat currency) for cryptocurrencies held in accounts.

Currency exchange

Added error notifications for currency exchanges through ClearBank during its non-operational hours. Previously, fallback to ECB rates was used in such cases.


  • Added the ignore_internal_forwarding_providers configuration parameter to ensure all payments, even to existing IBANs within the system, are processed as external payments. This prevents transaction duplication for internal payments involving the same provider.

  • Clarified the requirements for filling in recipientAccount and recipientSortCode fields for Railsr, Clear Junction, and ClearBank providers, reducing errors during dynamic payments.

Web and Mobile Interfaces

  • Introduced the hint parameter in system configuration, enabling pre-configured tips for payment requisites. These hints, set by technical support, are displayed in the Web and Mobile Interfaces to guide users when completing payment-related fields.

  • Replaced the font in the iOS version of the Mobile Interface with Source Sans Pro for a more modern and consistent appearance.



Fixed an issue where attempting to close an unactivated real account with ClearBank would incorrectly set the account status to Suspended instead of closing it.


Added the missing FinalizedAt filter to the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/transactions method.

See the Banking API docs for more detail.

API documentation

Resolved issues in the Swagger documentation for the methods GET /exchange/api/operation-time/{from}-{to} and GET /exchange/api/rate/rates.

See the Banking API docs for more detail.

Card fees

Fixed an issue where card issuing returned insufficient funds errors if the payment account matched the card issuance commission currency but differed from the user's default currency. Commissions can now be applied in their original currency or converted to the user's default currency based on configuration.


Enhanced the naming policy for KYC files submitted to Intercash, resolving document submission issues.


Addressed a 401 error caused by using bracketed values in the verificationLevel parameter in API calls. The functionality now operates as intended.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.