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Crassula Release Week 30

core v.24.07.9-24.07.12
client v.24.07.6-24.07.8

New Features

Card product

The new Card product window is added to the Admin Panel. Currently, the window is available as a placeholder for new functionality, requiring preliminary configuration by administrators. Once fully implemented in the upcoming releases.


Administrative Panel

KuCoin has been added to the list of supported providers in the Exchange → FX amount limits.


A new state value has been added to the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/documents and PUT /api/clients/{clientId}/documents methods. See Banking API for details.

Batch payments

The .csv template is updated for Batch payments. Payments must be sent using the updated form to ensure processing.

Currency exchange

The SOL-USD pair is now available for exchange on KuCoin.

Mobile Interface

A new account will be opened when an exchange is performed, and there are no accounts for the target currency.


  • All transfers and fees are now processed sequentially to avoid negative balances due to simultaneous processing.

  • Unlimint transfers are now supported in the Drafted status. This update improves the processing of transfers for Unlimint.

  • The Account name field of CurrencyCloud transfers is now set to the Account holder name value (Person name or Company name) to meet the service provider’s requirements.


Residence permit documents are no longer classified as Other type. The new Residence permit document type is now supported and can be used for account activation.


Mobile Interface

The issue where the Description field was missing in transaction details has been fixed.

Upcoming Updates


Administrative Panel

New columns will be added to Reports → Banking → Accounting:

  • Outgoing Pending: This new column will display the outgoing pending transactions.

  • Incoming Pending: This new column will show incoming pending transactions.

  • Actual Balance: Calculated as closing balance - outgoing pending. This column provides a real-time view of the available balance after accounting for pending outgoings

Web and Mobile Interfaces

A customized footer will be introduced for the Sign In and Sign Up pages. The functionality allows to enable this footer and customize its text directly from the system configurations. This allows for a more tailored user experience and can be used to display important messages or links.

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