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[2022] Crassula Release Week 31

core v.22.08.1-22.08.2
client v.22.08.1

New Features

New reCAPTCHA version

The new reCAPTCHA version is implemented for the Web Interface sign up form.

Out of hours FX markups

Now it is possible to schedule FX markups for after-hours trades when creating a price list.

Time to live for FX trades

Now it is possible to extend the TTL (time to live) parameter for crediting accounts. In case of insufficient funds on the interledger account, the transaction will remain Pending for a defined time waiting for funds. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Administrative panel

The Help button is implemented for the following sections:

  • Projects (eCommerce)

  • Merchant staff (eCommerce)

  • Access roles (Administration)


Now the Provider number field is validated when when creating a payment via the Admin panel


Web Interface

In some cases, the Remitter account and Beneficiary account fields could be identical when browsing FX transaction details. The issue is fixed.

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