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Crassula Release Week 32

core v.24.08.3-24.08.4
client v.24.08.2-24.08.3


Administrative Panel

The Refund button is now available for incoming litas_sepa transactions in the Waiting_for_action state, enhancing user action capabilities directly from the transaction list.


Implemented redirection to partner websites upon registration. When the client clicks the registration button, they will be redirected to the registration page on the partner's website. The functionality is available in Mobile and Web Interfaces and can be enabled in the system configs.

Card issuing

Added validation for the client's name on the card depending on the provider, including checks for the number of characters, allowed characters, and uppercase requirements.

Mobile Interface

  • The Design 2.0 is implemented for mobile screens such as Start, Log In, Forgot Password, 2FA (SMS, APP), and Contact Support.

  • Added field grouping to the Dynamic payments form. Previously, grouping was done manually, but now it will be conducted via an API endpoint. Parameters are now arranged into groups with titles by type.

  • A footer has been added to the Log In and Sign Up screens. The footer text can be changed either through the configuration file or via the Administrative Panel. It is recommended to create the footer text via the Administrative Panel to avoid formatting issues.



Fixed an error where the GET ​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/transactions method did not return the 0=Drafted status when the filter[status][] was empty.


Fixed an error in processing Modulr pound transactions where the sortCode field contained a BIC code.

Upcoming Updates

No updates this week

This week, we do not have any new updates to announce. However, we encourage you to explore our Improvements and Fixes sections for details on the exciting enhancements included in this release!

Co-Funded Opportunities

WebAuthn: Biometric authentication

We are proposing an advanced biometric authentication feature using the WebAuthn API. This innovation aims to enable seamless and secure two-factor authentication (2FA) with Face ID and Touch ID, providing enhanced security, user convenience, and reduced reliance on SMS-based 2FA. Clients interested in co-funding this feature to benefit from reduced implementation costs should contact their client manager for more information. Read the WebAuthn: Biometric authentication article for more details on the feature.

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