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Crassula Release Week 35

core v.24.08.10-24.08.13
client v.24.08.8-24.08.9


Administrative Panel

Updated the list of exchange providers in the Exchange -> Provider Fx Operation Time section, with all outdated exchange providers removed.


As part of the implementation of Local DKK payments in Dynamic payments for the B4B provider, the following changes were made to the following API methods:

  • Added a new payment method denmark_intraday_payment to POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/dynamic/{method};

  • Added a new payment method denmark_intraday_payment to GET /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/parameters.

See Banking API for details.


Updated the supported language localizations. The currently supported languages are:

  • English

  • Russian

  • Lithuanian

  • Slovak

  • Danish

Other language localizations have been archived. If clients wish to reactivate these languages, they can do so by updating the language in the system. Contact your client manager for configuration details.


Administrative Panel

Users previously encountered an issue where the Refund button was not available in the Administrative Panel for transactions stuck in a Pending status. The display of the Refund button for Litas-SEPA transactions has been fixed, and the refund functionality now works as intended.

API documentation

Previously, due to missing fields in the API documentation, some API method requests returned a 422 error. The API documentation was corrected as follows:

  • Missing fields were added to ListParametersController in the /clients/{clientId}/transfer/parameters endpoint;

  • Descriptions of missing TransferMethod values for the method field in CreateDynamicTransferController, the /transfer/dynamic/{method} endpoint, were added;

  • The description of the countryCode field for ListAvailableMethodsController, the /clients/{clientId}/transfer/methods endpoint, were fixed.

See Banking API for details.


Intercash provider users encountered a "The File is too big" error when submitting documents through the Administrative Panel. To resolve this, a new setting has been added to limit the size of KYC files uploaded to Intercash (intercash_card_issuing/order_options/limits/max_kyc_document_in_bytes). Users can now specify the file size in bytes in the max_kyc_document_in_bytes configuration, with the current maximum file size set at 1MB. Validation has also been added to ensure that the max_kyc_document_in_bytes field contains a numeric value.


Users faced an issue where, when creating a savings account, the system suggested a deposit account with a different currency than the one selected in the Savings rate. This issue has been resolved. The vault functionality now correctly suggests only the cryptocurrency that the user wants to lock in the Vault.

Web Interface

Users experienced issues with some cryptocurrency icons not displaying or displaying incorrectly in the currency selection list. The display of SOL and COTI cryptocurrency icons has been fixed.

Upcoming Updates



  • We are enhancing the functionality of the transaction monitoring provider ComplyAdvantage (similar to the Huntli compliance system) by adding new parameters to requests to improve performance. The following changes will be implemented:

    • counterparty_sort_code: A string type value will be added to the request, for example, "01-02-03".

    • counterparty_bic: A string type value will be added to the request, for example, "AAAABBCCDD".

    • counterparty_country: A string type value will be added to the request, for example, "GB/RO/SG/US".

    • counterparty_date_of_birth: A DateTimeType value in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" will be added to the request, for example, "1990-09-22".

    • counterparty_reference: This value will be the same as the existing tx_reference_text.

    • counterparty_type: A string type value will be added to the request.

    • customer_user_id: The client's ID in Crassula will be added as customer_user_id.

  • We will be improving the card issuing methods to allow users to prevent the conversion of a card from virtual to plastic.

Co-Funded Opportunities

Referral program: Driving platform growth through user engagement

We are introducing a powerful Referral program feature designed to boost user acquisition and engagement. This feature provides a strong incentive for users to refer friends and contacts to the platform by offering them a share of the fees paid by their referrals. By turning existing users into brand ambassadors, this program drives platform growth and increases transaction volumes. Clients interested in co-funding this feature can benefit from reduced implementation costs and the opportunity to customize the program to meet specific business objectives. For more detail, see the Referral program feature article and contact your client manager.

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