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[2022] Crassula Release Week 38

core v.22.09.13-22.09.16
client v.22.09.9-22.09.11


Administrative Panel

Now all dates in the Admin Panel are presented in the unified format.


  • Now the Refund transfer type is available for ClearBank.

  • Now the Currency field is validated for transaction vreated via the Admin Panel.

Web Interface

Previously, the Confirm your payment window remained opened when processing several drafted payments at once. The functionality is improved to avoid the confusion for users. Now the new finalizing window is displayed.



Unverified Companies cannot create additional accounts any more even when the owner’s profile is fully verifired.

Web Interface

  • Fee descriptions could break the interface block borders. Now the details are displayed correctly.

  • The ADA wallet address was too long and affected the other fields. Now the issue is fixed.

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