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[2024] Crassula Release Week 38

core v.24.09.3-24.09.6
client v.24.09.3-24.09.5


Currency exchange

Users faced difficulties with exchange operations for the EUR-GBP currency pair, where an incorrect exchange rate was applied during the transaction. This issue is fixed, and the correct exchange rate is now applied.

Web Interface

Previously, users encountered a runtime error in Local payments when the transfers.local_chaps_address feature flag was disabled. Clients were unable to select a value from the From account drop-down list. This issue is now resolved, and the Local payments functionality works as expected.

Upcoming Updates



We are implementing changes to the Banking API as part of the Card product functionality. The following updates will be added to the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards (Create Client's Issued Card) method:

  • New fields: product (product ID) and accountName (name for the new card account during auto-generation). The account name is optional; if not provided, it will be auto-generated.

  • For plastic card issuance, either fee or feeId must be provided in the shipping field, depending on whether the Card Product functionality is enabled.

Additionally, the cardProduct field will be added to the responses of the following API methods:

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/activate (Activate Client's Issued Card), along with improved API response documentation.

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/block (Temporarily or Permanently Block Client's Issued Card).

  • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/unblock (Unblock Temporarily Blocked Client's Issued Card).

  • GET /api/clients/{clientId}/card-order-options (Get Options for Card Ordering) will include cardProduct in AvailableCard.

Card Issuing

We are enhancing the card issuing flow with a focus on the Card product concept. Soon, users will be able to:

  • Select card products;

  • View card product fees during the card ordering process;

  • Review card product fees for already issued cards.

This will allow the creation of card groups within a single card product, each with its own set of fees, enabling better organization of cards based on selected criteria.

Web and Mobile Interfaces

We will introduce a feature that displays the balance in euros at the current exchange rate alongside the cryptocurrency balance. This will allow users to assess the current equivalent value of their cryptocurrency in fiat currency.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.