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Crassula Release Week 42

core v.24.10.8-24.10.11
client v.24.10.6



Balance retrieval for Decta provider cards is now accessible via API, replacing the previous limitation of only displaying the internal Crassula balance. The card balance updates every minute, and caching has been implemented to minimize system load and prevent excessive balance request traffic.


Users experienced difficulties with the GET /api/public/qr-codes method due to inaccuracies in the API documentation. The description of the data parameter is improved to ensure the functionality works as intended. The parameter must now be passed in base64 format to ensure proper functionality. See Banking API for details.


The first version of the integration for ifx_payments has been renamed to ifx_payments_virtual, reflecting its virtual transaction capabilities.

Price lists

A new "Service Fee" (monthly and annual) has been added to the card product price lists. This fee functions as a recurring charge for card usage.


Administrative Panel

Fixed an issue with the report export function in Reports → Banking → Accounting, which previously ignored the filters set in the UI. Filtered reports are now generated as expected.

Mobile Interface

Resolved an issue affecting the display of the Batch Payment page on iOS devices, ensuring it now renders correctly.


Previously, the system was unable to handle internal payments between Clearbank virtual accounts, causing errors. This issue has now been resolved.

Upcoming Updates



  • Documentation for the GET /api/dictionary/{name} method will be corrected to change income_bands to income_band, and a proper error message will be added for cases where the dictionary is not found.

  • New fields will be added to the response for the GET /api/backups/{date} method:

    • In the account_transaction table: self_transfer, provider, settlement_date, finalized_at.

    • In the account_transaction_bank_details table: ultimate_debtor_name.

  • The filter functionality for the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/transactions endpoint will be fixed to work correctly.

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