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Crassula Release Week 48

core v.24.11.12-24.11.17
client v.24.11.5-24.11.8


Administrative Panel

  • A Help link has been added to the Banking > Crypto Withdrawal Limit section for easier navigation and support access.

  • Introduced a feature flag to disable the Synchronize button for Transactions in the Admin Panel.


The documentation for the POST ​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/issued-cards method has been updated with corrected descriptions for the phoneCountryCode field. See Banking API for details.


Added a new feature flag for batch SWIFT payments. When the flag is disabled, Swift batch payments will not be available.

Upcoming Updates



  • The statement generation logic will be updated to use the FinalizedAt date for sorting and filtering transactions. Changes include:

    • Replacing the UpdatedAt field with the FinalizedAt field in the request body of the POST ​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/statement-requests​/{_format} API method. See Upgrade Notes Week 48 for additional details.

    • Enabling optional filtering by FinalizedAt date in the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/transactions API method using filter[finalized][from] and filter[finalized][to]. This will allow API users to retrieve transactions within a specified finalized date range.

  • Delivery addresses and tracking numbers for cards will be added to the response of the API method that returns the list of cards.

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