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[2024] Crassula Release Week 51

core v.24.12.7-24.12.10
client v.24.12.6-24.12.7



In alignment with the updated PCI DSS 4.0 requirements, password creation standards are updated to ensure a higher level of security. The new requirements include a minimum length of 12 characters (or 8 characters if the system does not support 12) and the mandatory inclusion of both numeric and alphabetic characters. This update applies to passwords associated with the following entities: Administrator, Person, User Account, Company, Merchant, and Merchant Staff. For more information on the update, see the corresponding Upgrade Notes page.


Implemented functionality where verified email and phone numbers are automatically set as default without requiring the "Make default" parameter, simplifying user experience.


Administrative Panel

Resolved a 500 error that occurred after creating a price list with an excessively long name by introducing name length validation (minimum 3 characters, maximum 255).

API documentation

Updated API documentation for enhanced accuracy:

  • Added the beneficiaryType parameter to the response body of GET /api/clients/{clientId}/accounts.

  • Improved the model description in PUT /api/price-list/{id}.

  • Corrected pagination details in GET /api/reports/transactions, which previously always returned paginated responses.

  • Updated the response documentation for GET /api/clients/{clientId}/change-verification-levels-fees.

See Banking API for more detail.

Currency exchange

Improved field validation to resolve an "Unexpected error" encountered during currency exchange operations with the Railsr provider.

Mobile Interface

Resolved an issue where validation error messages for the password field were not displayed correctly during password creation and updates.


  • Fixed a problem where crypto payments failed validation in the application when the scheduled_payments setting was disabled. Crypto payments now function as expected.

  • Addressed an issue causing an "Unexpected error" during dynamic payments by restoring the "Save as draft" button for dynamic payment forms.

  • Corrected an issue affecting proper fee deductions on the IFX provider side.

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to complete transfer drafts requiring 2FA due to the verification code input window not appearing.

Web Interface

Fixed an issue where the "Existing recipients" field disappeared from the International transfer form after refreshing the page.

JavaScript errors detected

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