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[2024] Crassula Release Week 6

core v.24.02.2-24.02.3
client v.24.02.2

New Features

Custom fee labels

Now it is possible to set custom labels for price list fees via the Administrative Panel. The labels will be shown as fee names in the profile details on Web and Mobile Interfaces. The new functionality allows White Labels to customize frontend solutions according to their needs.



  • The CSV file format is now available when exporting account statements and merchants' transactions and settlements via API, Admin Panel, and Merchant Dashboard.

  • The ISO20022 CAMT.053 XML format is now available when exporting account statements using the /api/clients/{clientId}/statement endpoint.

See Banking API for details.

Mobile Interface

  • Now it is possible to share account details only if banking details are associated with the account. If the account is not provided with the corresponding data, the Share button is disabled.

  • The White Label’s name is added to the text of ToS and Privacy policy confirmations on sign-up.

  • Now the user is requested to pass KYC checks before ordering an Intercash card. If the client is not verified, a corresponding error message is implemented.


The ampersand (&) sign is replaced with the whitespace ( ) character in the Remitter name and Reference fields when sending payment details to the service provider. The functionality is implemented for ClearBank SWIFT, FPS, and CHAPS payments.

Web Interface

Now the user is requested to pass KYC checks before ordering an Intercash card. If the client is not verified, the corresponding error message is implemented.


Administrative Panel

The Verification Level and Verification Status filters were not working as intended in the Persons and Companies windows. Now the issue is fixed.

Upcoming Updates



The list of expected data transfer objects (DTO) will be provided in model descriptions for GET /api/clients/{clientId}/phones and GET /api/clients/{clientId}/emails endpoints.

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