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Crassula Release Week 6

core v.25.02.1
client v.25.02.1-25.02.2

New Features

A new service provider

A new service provider, Equals Money, has been added. This provider offers account creation, activation, and support for Bank transfers. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Administrative Panel

The list of reasons in dropdown menus for ”Refund” and ”Recall” forms has been updated for the Litas SEPA provider.


  • A detailed description of the 400 error for the POST /api/public/authenticate method has been added. Previously, it returned an empty array, but it now provides a full description and reason for the error.

  • The ability to import KYC applicant data from an external Sumsub agent into Sumsub WL and then into Crassula has been implemented using a new API endpoint.

  • The POST /api/clients/{clientId}/identification-requests/import method has been updated with a new shareToken parameter. The imported data is copied to Sumsub WL and then updated in Crassula.

See Banking API for details.

Web Interface

Validation has been added to the URL field when creating a company. The field now checks that URLs do not exceed 255 characters.


Administrative Panel

  • Fixed an issue where phone numbers for additional contacts were not validated correctly. This is now resolved.

  • Corrected an issue where the ”Updated at” field displayed the time the person or company profile page was opened instead of the most recent update to the profile. The “Updated at” field now reflects the actual last modification time.


Fixed a bug where leading zeros were removed from phone numbers during API transmission. For example, a number like +2250711011237 was incorrectly saved as +225711011237. The correct format is now preserved across both the API and the front end.


Fixed an issue where report filters allowed generating report IDs even when the start date was later than the end date. This validation is now enforced to prevent incorrect report generation.


Fixed an issue with self-payments on the Currency Cloud provider. These payments were incorrectly processed as SEPA transfers and subsequently declined. The issue has been resolved.

Upcoming Updates



  • The following API methods will no longer allow users to retrieve sensitive card data (such as PINs, card numbers, and CVC codes) in unencrypted form. Previously, users could optionally receive unencrypted responses. This option will be removed, and the methods will only return encrypted data going forward.

    • GET /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/pin-code

    • GET /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/cardholder-data

  • The IFX provider will be transitioned to support Bank transfers.


The currency MATIC (Matic Gas Token Polygon) will be renamed to POL (Matic Gas Token Polygon). This change will also apply retroactively to completed transactions.

Web Interface

A frontend validator will be fixed to correctly check balances for currencies with a large number of decimal places. Previously, this issue caused false insufficient balance warnings, which will no longer occur after the update.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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