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Crassula Release Week 7

core v.24.02.6-24.02.8
client v.24.02.4-24.02.5



Updated the validation rule for the score parameter in the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/scoring method, increasing the limit from 100 to 1000 points.

See Banking API for more information.


Added new fields to the transaction webhook payload:

  • clientId

  • clientName

  • fees

Web Interface

Added a banner that appears when an account, belonging to either a company or a person, is suspended.


Administrative Panel

Recently, users encountered an issue when attempting to download the Statement document in PDF or XLS formats. This issue is addressed, and the functionality is now operating as expected.


The list of expected data transfer objects (DTO) is now provided in model descriptions for GET /api/clients/{clientId}/phones and GET /api/clients/{clientId}/emails endpoints. Previously, this information was missing in API documentation.
See Banking API for more detail.


Previously, due to an issue, the limits functionality was applied indiscriminately to both incoming and outgoing transactions. As a result, limits set for outgoing payments blocked incoming ones, leaving them in a pending status. This issue is now resolved.

Web Interface

Previously, if Country Groups were not specified during the creation of the Terms of Service (TOS) document, the TOS documents would not be displayed to users by default. Now, the issue with default displaying of TOS documents is fixed.

Upcoming Updates

No updates this week

This week, we do not have any new updates to announce. However, we encourage you to explore our Improvements and Fixes sections for details on the exciting enhancements included in this release!

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