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Crassula Release Week 8

core v.25.02.8-25.02.12
client v.25.02.5-25.02.6



  • The GET /cardholder-data and GET /pin-code methods now support an optional mgf1 parameter. Possible values are sha1 and sha256. This parameter determines which hash function is used for mgf1 during data encryption. It is currently optional but will become mandatory in future updates.

  • The response for the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/resolve-person/{emailOrPhoneOrIban} method has been expanded to include phone number and address details.

See Banking API for details.


Access restrictions have been implemented for IssuedCard and IssuedCardHoldTransaction for agents and Access Groups. Previously, Access Groups did not support these options.


The currency MATIC (Matic Gas Token Polygon) has been renamed to POL (Matic Gas Token Polygon). This change is also applied retroactively to completed transactions.


  • The pop-up text for “Transfer Request Accepted” has been updated across web and mobile interfaces.

    • Old text: "Recipient will get the transfer within 12 hours."

    • New text: "Recipient will get the transfer shortly."

  • For transactions with the Unlimit provider, it is now possible to apply Unlimit's native fees. A configuration setting allows switching between this mode and the standard Crassula fee application flow.



Fixed an issue where IFX virtual accounts could not be created as multi-currency accounts.


  • The updatedAt field in API responses previously returned the request time instead of the actual last update time. This issue has been fixed, and the field now correctly reflects the timestamp displayed in the Admin Panel.

  • The response type for the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/onboarding_questionnaire method has been corrected. Previously, the response always returned select. Now, it correctly returns either select or multiSelect, depending on the questionnaire question type.


  • Fixed an issue where IFX account imports failed to add transactions to the system if no payment details were received from the provider. Transactions are now correctly imported even when payment details are missing.

  • Fixed an insufficient funds error when processing fees with Reap cards. This issue occurred due to a mismatch between the fee currency and the card currency.


Improvements have been made to the Payall provider integration. As Payall transitions its WL instances to a new, more optimized system, adjustments have been made to align with this model. These internal changes enhance transaction processing and prevent errors during the initial processing phase on Payall’s side.

Web Interface

Fixed an issue where users attempting to verify a company were incorrectly redirected to personal verification when clicking the verification pop-up.

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