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Fireblocks is a leading crypto service provider offering secure infrastructure for moving, storing, and issuing digital assets. With a focus on security, Fireblocks employs multi-party computation (MPC) and hardware isolation to protect digital assets. This service provider integrates seamlessly to support digital asset custody and crypto payments.

Supported regions

Fireblocks supports integration for companies in the following regions:

  • European Union (EU)

  • European Economic Area (EEA)

  • Other countries not listed in international sanctions.


An active financial services license is required for integration. Contact your Crassula account manager for further details.


Products and services

The following table describes the services delivered by Fireblocks .

Service name


Execution details

Digital Asset Custody

Fireblocks allows users to create and manage digital wallets with high security. These wallets facilitate secure storage and transactions of digital assets.


Available for end-users globally, except in sanctioned countries.

Crypto Payments

Facilitates secure and efficient processing of crypto payments for businesses.


Available globally, with support for multiple cryptocurrencies.


Funds Collector & TRON Gas Station

Funds Collector Overview

The Funds Collector is a feature where client funds are gathered for sweeping. “Sweeping" refers to the process of consolidating funds from multiple wallets or addresses into a single wallet. This is often done for security, efficiency, or management purposes. By sweeping funds into a central or more secure wallet, users can manage their assets more effectively and reduce the risk of losing access to smaller, scattered amounts.

By default, the Funds Collector is disabled and can be enabled in the system configs.

For configuration purposes, Fireblocks uses a “Hot Wallet” as a vault account identified by FIREBLOCKS_TRANSFER_ACCOUNT_ID. Swept funds will be sent to the Hot Wallet. Threshold values for available balances need to be set in the configuration to determine when transfers to the Hot Wallet are triggered. These values ensure that transaction fees remain acceptable for customers, typically set around $1 for a 1% fee share (FIREBLOCKS_FUNDS_COLLECTOR_FEE_SHARE=0.01).

When multiple WL systems are used with a single Fireblocks workspace, specific variables must be defined for each WL:

  • FIREBLOCKS_VAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME_TEMPLATE="{{ clientId }} | {{ publicName }} | WHITELABEL-person"


TRON Gas Station Overview

The TRON Gas Station ensures there is sufficient TRX (gas) in client deposit wallets to enable transfers in TRON-based currencies. When the Funds Collector detects insufficient gas for a transfer, it signals the TRON Gas Station, which then transfers the required TRX from the Hot Wallet to the client's wallet.

The minimum TRX balance on deposit wallets must be maintained above the transaction fee to ensure smooth operations. The limit is set empirically to balance efficiency and customer requirements, ensuring enough TRX is available without overloading client wallets. White Labels must maintain sufficient TRX in their Hot Wallets to support this mechanism.

For example, the minimum TRX amount is calculated as:

Minimum Asset Amount for TRX × Number of Client

By maintaining these balances, the Funds Collector can effectively and quickly transfer funds to the Hot Wallet.

Configuration guides

Creating an API User

API Co-Signer Setup

Refer to for additional details.

Configuring Transaction Policies

In this example, SGX API Co-Signer and Crassula use the same API User. In product setups, the API User’s credentials must be shared with Crassula.

Verifying the Configuration

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