User Registration
Use the User Registration API to create a new user in Crassula.
After following the step-by-step instructions below, you will be able to carry out the following operations:
Construct a sample request with all the necessary parameters for user registration.
Include additional parameters in the request body to provide further information on the client's address, such as postal code, state, and full address.
Use the master API key in the authorization header to access additional parameters, including client verification status and verification level.
Entry Parameters
Below are the essential entry parameters for user registration:
This API uses a POST method to send a request to the server:
POST /api/public/register
Base URL
Below is the Crassula host URL:
The HTTP headers below let the client and the server pass additional information:
Header | Required | Description |
Authorization | N/A | Required only when there is a need to set the verification level and the verification status during the registration. |
Captcha-token | N/A | Required only if the Captcha functionality is enabled in the WL’s configuration. |
Device-type | N/A | Required for mobile application only. |
Request Body Parameters
The request body contains the following user sign-up details:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| String | Yes | Client first name. |
| String | Yes | Client second name. |
| String | Yes | Full client email address. |
| String | Yes | Сountry code in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
| String | Yes | Password of at least 8 characters, with at least one lowercase symbol, one uppercase symbol, and at least one digit. |
| String/Null | Yes | Referral code that is recorded in the client profile. |
| Boolean | Yes | Reply to whether the customer agrees to the terms of use. |
| String | Yes | Client birth date. |
Additional Request Body Parameters
The parameters listed below serve to provide additional information on client address:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| String | Yes | Client postal code. |
| String | Yes | Client region or state. |
| String | Yes | First full client address. |
| String | Yes | Second full client address. |
If the master API key is used in the authorization header, the following additional parameters are available:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| String | Yes | Client verification status |
| String | Yes | Client verification level. Used, for example, to apply payment limits. Can be from 0 to 5. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| A JWT token that can be used in the Authorization header to send requests. |
| A token that is used to update the JWT token. |
| Client ID that was created in the system on the basis of a registration request. |
Request Example
Response Example
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2ODA1MjM0OTIsImV4cCI6MTY4MDUyNDA5Miwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIl0sInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidGVzdDRAY3Jhc3N1bGEuaW8iLCJjdXJyZW50Q291bnRyeUNvZGUiOiJaWiIsInRmYVJlcXVpcmVkIjpmYWxzZSwidGZhVmVyaWZpZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJ0ZmFNZXRob2RzIjpbXX0.fpupSSs4sxlXX5vPo7-jypVQPx_gpGy6t854WXd7vuGSYRKoh0dkQpcFVwPauSinUL2CJtbyy1mbtm3VYWDwJ8t_I3mV1f7kg2mtlxlDR7IDJYa5TkgymMnctoancdO3mW0NFk8VkpLNeG8vGpPLQVa8-gV7srvRmkwYsACrHTC-uLtKpuv5kk_NoZx6fdY_TLGx_e41i_ZkEmmWoaMaa_Rj78uKCGVQbH1OP1ataJWB29XJ92ru0bLmzRUJyHbP8BMs0BuspKmIhv8MlefEh_DIVXMQDS_WCrNri46n-qOiLdkvqqrA7XAR4tD7zJAu_ObtNdrehG4LHvxyZ9h1svcvCdcELX9B7AQiwKFmpmGvVZFvC-hRcNQ1TMM8Ztj7Le027j7dofBrW-mPbW3hgw1LFasap5XCNSXTYPdw-SM_yKKYrpqWOP4ykITbN5WXlilH9V0vx3xoATVoESoUaZIf6xqehms8Rn3ZH6eIHi3btCW5sGzwFTe8Teq-yLg-sSAKTe80tMvSSyMGDUCu3eKZiHRii04y2zJ8aHWEkTuZHMTc_FSoDhUiNZ9A3zTW_5uqpmKHAG3Qxg5IZaDDdyp95qwYn-eTclPmqpxMUH45AleUjlSpEhXmuHijmJ46E7wNktvACTBnQndzaij9rhk7e6Jx2U1tBpFo4M_dW0Y",
"refresh_token": "94f54a1c32d7f5dac19b8b71602941685b9ea5fbe34474a69c349cbd0b9ca1de4579a420ad4509be4d39a2e0c721aa45bb32ff049af87c465c44c4a0bf882496",
"clientId": "e7500eb9-5ea8-461a-8808-7ca50a237f7a"