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[2024] Crassula Release Week 37

core v.24.09.3-24.09.4
client v.24.09.3-24.09.4


Administrative Panel

Card names are created dynamically for newly issued cards. The following format is taken as default:

  • Virtual cards: {currency_name} Virtual *{last 4 digits of the card}

  • Plastic cards: {currency_name} Plastic *{last 4 digits of the card}


  • The API documentation for the following endpoints has been improved:

    • GET /api/clients/{clientId}/currency-conversion-fee

    • GET /api/clients/{clientId}/deposits-fee

  • Descriptions and request bodies have been added to the following methods:

    • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer-templates/{type}

    • PATCH /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer-templates/{templateId}

  • API filters described as arrays have been improved.

  • A validation message has been added for the 409 API error in the case where client_tfa_required: true and the client attempts to delete the only configured TFA method, which is set as default.

  • New API methods have been added:

    • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{cardId}/withdrawal: Allows a transfer from the card to the cardholder’s account for Decta cards. A new fee type CARD_TRANSFER has been introduced to follow the improvement.

    • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{cardId}/withdrawal/dry-run: Allows checking potential errors and fees before performing the withdrawal.

See Banking API for details.


The following SMS quotas are deprecated:





New quotas now differ for verified and unverified users; additional cooldown periods are implemented for unsuccessful attempts. See Crassula quotas and limits for details.


The verification continuation process has been updated. Users are now automatically redirected to the Sumsub page to continue the KYC/KYB process from where they left off. Previously, users would see a prompt to continue verification after logging in. This update applies to both Web and Mobile Interfaces.


Validation for postal codes has been added, varying by country for both clients and banking payments. This functionality has been implemented for the Web and Mobile Interfaces and Admin Panel.


Currency exchange

  • An issue with currency exchange through Currency Cloud has been fixed. It was not possible to receive exchange rates for some fiat currency pairs. Now the issue is fixed and works as intended.

  • Some FX transactions required checks and approval, which led to delays. This issue has been resolved, and FX transactions are now properly ignored from this check.

Upcoming Updates


Administrative Panel

  • The "Decline" button in transaction actions, which allows administrators to cancel transactions, will be hidden. This is due to incorrect usage, which caused balance mismatches in user accounts.

  • Manual status changes for transactions will be disabled for all WL administrators, as incorrect usage has led to balance discrepancies.


  • Sorting in the GET /api/clients/{clientId}/accounts method will be fixed.

  • The <provider>_card_issuing\order_options\merge_plastic_and_virtual: true parameter will be added to enable issuing a virtual card and immediately converting it to plastic. The change will allow clients to use the virtual version of the new card, while the plastic card is being issued.

  • The allowed length for firstName, middleName, and lastName will be increased in the backend for the following methods:

    • DB payments/person

    • PATCH​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/person

    • POST​/api​/public​/register

    • POST​/api​/public​/register​/full

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