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[2023] Crassula Release Week 46

core v.23.11.3-23.11.5
client v.23.11.2-23.11.3

New Features

New payment options for clients using the Clear Junction provider

Clients with the Clear Junction provider now have the ability to send SWIFT payments in USD, thereby enhancing their international transaction capabilities. In addition, account top-ups are also exclusively available in USD, supported by both SWIFT and Fedwire services.

Introducing new backup endpoint

Introducing a new GET /api/backups/{date} endpoint: This addition arises from the need to download backups using only the Master API key. This new endpoint is specifically designed to facilitate easier and more secure access to backups, ensuring efficient and reliable data retrieval.

See Banking API for more information.

Introducing new webhook functionality

Added new webhook functionality to Crassula. This initial implementation is specifically focused on webhooks related to transactions, offering more robust and responsive integration options. Stay tuned for further details about this feature, which will be elaborated upon in our upcoming product updates.


Administrative Panel

  • Enhanced the visual appearance of validation messages: The pop-up messages featuring a yellow exclamation mark are replaced with red inline validation messages.

  • Updated the account management workflow: The revision includes the removal of the ability to transfer accounts to Closed, Suspended, or Declined statuses from the editing page. Additionally, introduced the ability to reassign accounts to another person or company when they are in the Closed status. This update also extends reassignment options to accounts with New, Active, Awaiting provider number, Waiting for approval, Rejected, Awaiting external ledger, and Suspended statuses.

Banking Web Interface

Enhanced visual appearance of the Complete your account window: Updated the icons and added pointing arrows to indicate redirections. Additionally, introduced new information messages, along with other minor visual improvements, to enhance user experience and guide users more effectively through the account completion process.


The Account field is removed from the reports downloaded in .xls and .pdf formats, whether from the Administrative Panel or Web Interface. This field will now only be displayed if the account number is missing for any reason.


Refined client management workflow with Huntli Integration: This update introduces a new feature toggle, allowing for two distinct user creation approaches on Huntli’s side. The default setting creates users in the Huntli system only after their first transaction. Alternatively, with the new option activated via the feature toggle, users are created in the Huntli system immediately at the onset of their identification process in SumSub. More information about this feature will be provided in our forthcoming documentation updates, offering further insights into its capabilities and usage.


Administrative Panel

Previously, the validation of names during the creation of a Person did not function as expected, resulting in various issues. Now the minimum length requirement for names is reduced to just two characters, they can include combinations from any alphabetic language group, with the added option of spaces, dashes, and apostrophes. However, these symbols may only be used in conjunction with letters.


The POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/self method duplicated the functionality of the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/internal. This issue is resolved by changing the operation of the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/self method, updating validation rules, and revising the API documentation to reflect the 422 error code instead of 409.

See Banking API for details.

API documentation

  • Previously, the models in the body field of the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/accounts/full and POST /api/clients/{clientId}/accounts methods were not described in detail, leading to misunderstandings and issues. The descriptions of these fields are now improved for clarity.

  • API documentation for several endpoints was incomplete, only specifying the X-Confirmation-Code header without mentioning the required X-TFA-Type header, which indicates the type of 2FA being used (SMS or TOTP). To address this, we have updated the documentation to include both headers, clarifying their usage and values (0 for SMS and 1 for TOTP). The affected endpoints are listed below:

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/crypto

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/drafts/confirm

    • /api​/clients​/{clientId}​/issued-cards​/{id}​/cardholder-data

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/pin-code

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/person-password

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/emails/{id}/mark-as-primary

    • DELETE /api/clients/{clientId}/emails/{id}

    • PATCH /api/clients/{clientId}/emails/{id}

    • POST /api/clients/{clientId}/emails

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/phones/{id}/mark-as-primary

    • DELETE /api/clients/{clientId}/phones/{id}

    • PATCH /api/clients/{clientId}/phones/{id}

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/sepa

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/internal

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/swift

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/paysera

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/local

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/tfa/methods/{id}/mark-as-default

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/tfa/authenticate

See Banking API for more information.


Clients previously encountered unexpected errors in logs caused by discrepancies between the Provider and Additional Information sections, where different provider names were listed. This issue is now resolved.


  • Formerly, clients using the Railsr provider encountered issues with funds related to transactions that had not yet undergone the provider's verification. The issue is fixed by introducing a Processing intermediate state for transactions awaiting verification by the provider.

  • Previously, an issue within the transaction processing workflow led to the duplication of fees on incoming transactions. This issue is now resolved. Clients can expect a smoother and more accurate processing of transactions.

  • Clients with the Modulr provider experienced difficulties when transferring funds between their own accounts. This issue is now resolved. Additionally, the accompanying issue of the interledger holding in the Pending state on ClearBank’s side is also addressed.

  • Clients faced an issue when attempting to edit declined transactions that included parameters with invalid symbols. This issue is addressed by automatically replacing the invalid symbols with underscores, making the transactions editable.

  • Previously, clients using the Railsr provider encountered an issue where fees were not being applied to outgoing card transactions imported from external sources. This issue is now resolved: All such outgoing card transactions, especially those involving card purchases with Railsr, are now processed with the appropriate fees.

Upcoming Updates

New Features

Introducing new legal document type

Introducing the Account Deletion new legal document type in the Administration/Legal Documents section. This update is designed to streamline administrative processes and enhance the functionality of our system. Stay tuned for further details about this feature, which will be elaborated upon in our upcoming product updates.



Currency Cloud provider is making significant changes to several of their API endpoints. These changes will directly affect clients using Currency Cloud services. Specifically, the following GET calls will be replaced with corresponding POST calls:

  • GET /v2/contacts/findPOST /v2/contacts/find

  • GET /v2/beneficiaries/findPOST /v2/beneficiaries/find

  • GET /v2/accounts/findPOST /v2/accounts/find

Additionally, the /v2/reference/bank_details API will not only shift from a GET to a POST call but will also be renamed to /v2/reference/bank_details/find, aligning with best practice conventions. For SDK users, we recommend to simply upgrade your SDKs to the latest version to accommodate these changes. For API users, we recommend to modify the GET calls to POST for the four affected APIs (listed above) in your code base and update the path of /v2/reference/bank_details to /v2/reference/bank_details/find as per the new naming convention.


Administrative Panel

Currently, Agents have access to the identification requests of other agents. We are refining this functionality so that Agents will only have access to the identification requests and expiring documents specifically related to their assigned company.


  • Currently, using the recipientName field with inappropriate symbols in calls results in errors. We are updating the validation of the recipientName field by applying a new regular expression and reducing the maximum length from 128 to 35 symbols. These changes will impact the following API endpoints:

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/local

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/swift

    • /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/sepa

  • Addressing an issue with the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/transfer/swift endpoint: Currently, sending a request with an empty currency field results in a 500 error. The issue will be resolved by changing the error code to 422, and this update will be reflected in the API documentation for improved clarity and error handling.

API documentation

Currently, the descriptions for the API endpoints listed below are missing crucial details. To improve clarity and understanding, we will be making the following enhancements to these descriptions:

  • POST ​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/issued-cards​/{id}​/change-pin: Adding description;

  • POST ​/api​/public​/email-verification​/verify: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Persons" section as "Verify an Email."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/email-verification​/resend: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Persons" section as "Resend Verification Request."

  • POST ​/api​/clients​/{clientId}​/id-verification​/upload-document: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Clients" section as "Upload Client's Document."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/identification-request​/{providerName}: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Identification Requests" section as "Identification Request Callback."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/pep: Adding description; Adding endpoint to a new "Pep" section as "Pep Callback."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/account-provider​/{providerName}: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Accounts" section as "Account Provider Callback."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/account-transaction-check​/{providerName}: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Account Transaction" section as "Account Transaction Check Callback."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/account-transaction-provider​/{providerName}: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Account Transaction" section as "Account Transaction Provider Callback."

  • POST ​/api​/public​/callback​/transaction: Adding description; Adding endpoint to the "Account Transaction" section as "Account Transaction Callback."

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