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[2022] Crassula Release Week 8

core v.22.02.8-22.02.11

New Features

Administrative access

Now it is possible to define IP addresses that will be allowed to access the Administrative Panel. The functionality is not available by default, contact your manager for configuration details.

Cryptocurrency exchange

Now the following currency pairs are available for exchange:






Service providers

The new ComplyAdvantage service provider is integrated to deliver compliance services. Contact your manager for configuration details.


The new Sync status button is implemented for transactions. Now it is possible to manually synchronize transaction status between the Administrative Panel and service provider. See Transactions for additional details.


Administrative panel

The Help button is implemented in the following sections:

  • Identification requests

  • Limits

Price lists

The new BenieficaryName parameter is implemented for external fees. Now the API response provides additional details when receiving fees from an external service. See Price lists for additional details on the functionality.


The transaction logs are improved to provide details if a transaction hits a limit. See Transactions for navigation details.



Some translation was missing in the Web Interface. Now the issue is fixed.

Price lists

Some Declined price lists could be applied to clients. Now the issue is fixed.

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