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The Transactions tab provides the primary list of transactions and the related details (such as sums, accounts, status, and beneficiaries).
All transactions are created by Clients and executed by external service providers.

There are three transaction tabs in the left sidebar (the interfaces are identical):

  • Transactions: The tab includes the primary list of transactions and the related details (such as sums, accounts, status, and beneficiaries).

  • Transactions (pre-approval): See Transactions (pre-approval) for details.

  • Transactions (action required): See Transactions (action required) for details.

The page covers both main transfer types:

  • Internal transfer—a payment made within the Crassula system without using external API. Such payments do not require an external service provider to process them. For example, such payments are payments between own virtual accounts or payments to another WL client.

  • External transfer—a payment made by means of an external service provider and its API. For example, such payments are SEPA or SWIFT payments from real accounts processed by Clearbank or Railsr.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access transaction details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Transactions menu item.

  4. Click Show in a line to open transaction details.

How to create a transaction

To create a Transaction manually

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Transactions menu item

  4. Click Add New in the top-right corner of the tab.

  5. Complete the General form to set the following parameters:

    1. Transaction type

      1. Incoming transfer

      2. Outgoing transfer

      3. Internal transfer

      4. Deposit/Withdrawal

      5. Fee

    2. Account number / name.

    3. Service provider.

    4. Amount and currency.

    5. Details (the information provided for the transaction described in the account settlement).

  6. Fill in the Bank Details for both sides.

  7. Click Create to apply the changes and generate the transaction.

All transactions are created automatically by service providers; therefore, the transaction creation functionality is designed for testing and/or exceptional cases, such as manual operational needs (for example, charging unique fees).

How to decline a complete transaction

The functionality is different from the Pre-approval decline: all related fees are not declined automatically and transaction status will not be updated on the service provider side.
See Transactions (pre-approval) for details on Pre-approval decline.

Currently, the following limitations are applied and can be changed in the upcoming releases:

  • Transaction decline is supported by the following providers: ClearJunction, Clearbank, Railsbank, CurrencyCloud, and Fireblocks.

  • Transaction decline is not supported by the following providers: Bitgo and Litas_sepa (Centrolink).

Crassula Admin Panel allows to decline complete transactions.

Before declining a transaction, make sure you are provided with one of the following access rights:

  • Super Admin (all access roles are applied)

  • Transactions: List, Create, Edit, Show, Export, and Decline roles.

To decline a complete transaction

  1. Navigate to Banking in the Admin Panel.

  2. Open the Transactions window.

  3. Click Show in the line of a transaction to decline.

  4. Make sure the transaction status is Complete.

  5. Click Actions in the top right corner and select the Decline option from the drop-down menu.

  6. State the reason for the decline in the Decline reason field. Stating the reason is mandatory and validated to be from 3 to 228 characters.

  7. Click Decline to manually decline a transaction on the White Label’s side.

  8. The transaction status will be changed to Declined.

  9. You can change the status back to Complete in the Edit mode if necessary.

Component parameters

Transactions list



Created at

The column demonstrates the date and time of transaction creation.


Includes the transactions sums.


Defines the account numbers the transaction belongs to.


Defines the transaction types that are the following:

  • Deposit

  • Fee

  • Refund

  • Transfer

  • System Deposit

  • Currency conversion

  • Recall

  • Card Purchase

  • Card withdrawal

  • Cashback


Defines the transaction status:

  • Draft

  • Pending (cannot be set manually)

  • Completed

  • Declined

  • Refunded


The debited account owner name.


The transfer beneficiary names and account numbers.


The service provider delivering the transaction execution.


  • Click Show to open transaction details with no right to edit them.

  • Click Edit to open transaction details available for editing.

  • Click Refund to return funds back to the account. Transactions of the following types and service providers can be refunded:

    • Fees

    • internal

    • sepa_manual

    • clear_junction

    • swift_manual

    • local_clearbank

    • local_manual

    • local_cfsmoney

    • local_clear_junction_chaps

    • fireblocks

    • local_clearbank

    • local_clearbank_fs

    • local_clearbank_chaps

    • swift_clearbank

  • Click Resume to change transaction status to Ready to process. The functionality allows to manually re-initiate outgoing transactions that are pending after Emergency shutdown. By default, transactions are not re-initiated after Emergency shutdown is deactivated if the transaction processing is incomplete on the Crassula side. See Emergency shutdown for details on the workflow.

  • Click Sync status to sync transaction status between the Admin Panel and service provider.

  • Click Decline to manually decline a transaction on the White Label side. Note that the functionality is different from the Pre-approval decline: all related fees are not declined automatically and transaction status will not be updated on the service provider side. You can change the status back to Complete in the Edit mode.


Most of the filters correspond to the component parameters, though there are a few special filters:

  • Client tag: filters out transactions made by clients with a corresponding Tag field.

Add new

Create a transaction manually, see the previous section for details.

All transactions are created automatically by service providers; therefore, the transaction creation functionality is designed for testing and/or exceptional cases, such as manual operational needs (for example, charging unique fees).


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

There are two panels for transaction review and editing.

Transaction details

Transaction editing



Transaction details


The field includes general transaction information including an internal id, related account numbers, Clients, sums, and currencies.

Bank Details

Demonstrate the essential banking details of the beneficiary and remitter sides, including SWIFT, IBAN, and addresses. There are a few optional parameters:

  • Ultimate Debtor Name: Defines the debtor name received from the service provider. The field is sent to Salv for further compliance checks and is only available for incoming transactions.

  • Ultimate Beneficiary Name: Defines the beneficiary name received from the service provider. The field is sent to Salv for further compliance checks and is only available for incoming transactions.

Additional information

Provides the information on the transaction service provider and a reference transaction (if provided).


The field provides additional parameters received from the service provider; for example, ClintIP or EndToEndTransactionID. All the parameters shown in the field are available for filtering in the Transactions list window.

Reference Transaction

A “reverse” of the initial transaction. Every transaction charged from an account will be credited to another one. For example, a fee charged from a user will be transferred as a commission to a Bank cash account – in this case, the credit transaction on the cash account is a reference transaction of the initial fee.


The field demonstrates the list of pre-approvals if applied.

Top sidebar

Navigate between Details, transaction Logs, Comments, and Check alerts using the top-side menu.

Transaction editing


Transaction state defines, whether the transaction is drafted, waiting for approval, complete, or declined. The transaction state is changed by the transaction service provider; change the state only in case of emergency. Note, if you change a transaction state, it will be updated only in the Crassula system. The following list defines all transaction states with corresponding API codes that can be required by development teams:

  • Draft (API code - 0)

  • Opened (API code - 1)

  • Processing (API code - 2)

  • Canceled (API code - 4)

  • Failed (API code - 5)

  • Declined (API code - 6)

  • Approved (API code - 7)

  • Completed (API code - 8)

  • Refunded (API code - 9)

  • Waiting for approval (API code - 10)

  • Ready to process (API code - 11)

  • Cancel processing (API code - 12)

  • Refund processing (API code - 13)

  • Recall receiving (API code - 14)

  • Recall processing (API code - 15)

  • Recall failed (API code - 16)

  • Quarantine (API code - 17)

  • Waiting for action (API code - 18)

  • Waiting for check (API code - 19)

  • Waiting for funds (API code - 20)

  • Undetermined beneficiary (API code - 21)

  • Scheduled (API code - 22)

  • Amount and Details

  • Parameters are set by the service provider for transfer execution, change them only in case of emergency.


Transaction amount.


The field allows changing the banking details in case of any errors and misprinting.

Once a transaction is complete it is not possible to change its Bank Details. In order to manage the banking details, the transaction state is to be rolled back manually.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

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