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[2021] Crassula Release Week 32

v21.08.1 - 21.08.3

New Features

Crypto wallets

Now, any beneficiary wallet address is masked when demonstrated in the History tab. It is possible to copy the whole wallet address by pointing the mouse cursor over the mask and clicking Copy. For more information on the payment history, see Banking Web Interface.


Now the Top up with another account option is also available for Card accounts. For more information on the top-up process, see Banking Web Interface.


Account statement

PDF account statements are fixed. Now there is no influence on the balance details — both PDF and XLS statement types provide correct information.

Card status verification

Automatic status verification for cards issued by Intercash is improved. Now the automated functionality is more sustainable.

Crassula infrastructure update

Crassula has updated to PHP 8. The new major update brings new optimization features to the Crassula Software and provides new instruments to make the system even more reliable and efficient.
No action is required from the client side.

eCom transactions

Final status verification for eCom transactions is optimized. Now all transactions in the Authenticate status are processed smoothly.

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