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[2021] Crassula Release Week 34

v21.08.7 - 21.08.9

New Features

API for limits

Now it is possible to add or delete a payment limit using API methods and check whether one is assigned to a profile, The new feature allows to manage limits for each client when the account is created via API. Contact your manager for additional details on the API methods available.

Dormant account flag

The new filtering option is implemented in the Administrative Panel. Now it is possible to filter out accounts that have had no financial activity for a defined period of time. The time period after which the account is considered dormant can be set in the system configs. For additional information on the filtering option, see Accounts.

Pay again functionality

The new feature is implemented in the Banking Web Interface and allows users to repeat an outgoing transfer without creating a template. Now the Pay again button is available in the outgoing payment details. The feature can be configured by a Feature change request. For additional information on the functionality, see the Payments and transfers section in Banking Web Interface.

Pay back functionality

The new feature is implemented in the Banking Web Interface and allows users to create a “response” payment to an incoming transfer. Now the Pay back button is available in the incoming payment details. The feature can be configured by a Feature change request. For additional information on the functionality, see the Payments and transfers section in Banking Web Interface.


Cards delivery

Now it is possible to initiate cards delivery in batches once a day when shipping cards to a White label’s office. The functionality can be turned on/off in the system configs. When the daily shipping is turned off, each card is delivered separately.

Compliance workflow

The integration with the Huntli financial monitoring service is updated to interact with the Railsbank banking provider. Now transaction status is transferred from Railsbank to Huntli to synchronize statuses.

Crypto exchange requests

Additional checks are implemented to prevent duplicated crypto exchange requests in the Banking Web Interface.

Date format

The date format in the Administrative Panel is changed from “Sun, 15 Aug 2021 09:39:27 +0000” to "01.07.2021 08:13:41".

eCommerce limits

The Limits functionality is deprecated for eCommerce. All the related functions are implemented in the Anti-fraud system.

Minimum exchange amounts

Now the Amount field is prefilled with the minimum exchange amounts when exchanging currencies in the Web Interfaces. The amount is prefilled only for fiat currencies when exchanging fiat for crypto. The minimum values are set in the system configs.

Scripts memory usage

Now the memory consumption of callback scripts in eCommerce is reduced. The improvement will also have a positive effect on the functionality of receiving callbacks for merchants.


Merchant card authentication

An Error 500 occurred if a merchant entered wrong card details when trying to pass authentication. Now the text message includes additional information — “Missing merchant data“.

Company profile creation

The Owner field did not provide the list of Persons when creating a Company profile in the Administrative Panel. Now the field is fixed and the feature is available.

Gateway configuration in eCommerce

Payment gateway config sections could not be opened via absolute links (for example, when opened from the Transaction details page). The issue is fixed.

Merchant Web Interface

An Error 500 was displayed when the Settings page was opened in the Merchant Web Interface. The issue is fixed and the settings are available.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.