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An account allows the end-users to deposit and withdraw funds for daily transactions. In the Crassula system, all accounts are opened by service providers and do not require any assistance from Administrators; though, it is possible to open an account manually for exceptional cases.

The Accounts tab provides the list of all accounts registered at the platform. Find, review, and edit account details using the Accounts tab.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access the account details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Accounts menu item to open the Accounts List.

  4. Click Show or an account number in the Number column to open the details.

How to open an Account

To open an account

  1. Navigate to the Accounts menu item.

  2. Click Add New in the top-right corner of the tab.

  3. Type in a Client’s name or email to find the Client you want to open an account for. The field is mandatory and an existing client is required. If the Client is not registered yet, see Persons and Companies for details.

  4. Type in the account name in the Name field.

  5. Select the type of the account from the Type drop menu.

  6. The Fee activated at parameter is optional. Set the parameter if a Price list is available, see Price lists for details.

  7. Click Create to confirm the account opening. An internal account number will be generated.

Component parameters

Accounts list




The column demonstrates internal account numbers. At the same time, internal account numbers are used as entity IDs that are available in the Activity log section. Click a Number to open Account details.


The column includes the names of clients the accounts are assigned to. Click a Client Name to open profile details.


An additional account holder who is entitled to use the account via the Web and Mobile Interfaces.
The parameter was initially designed for financial accounts (Account type = Finance). Similar to the company staff functionality, it allows a financial institution to grant another company access to its financial account to generate IBANs and perform transactions via API. The account remains under the financial institution's ownership and license but becomes accessible to the other company for specific operations.
The service is provided via the Administrative Panel and does not grant access to the whole profile.


Account names are demonstrated in the column. The names of additional accounts are set by the Client at the moment of account opening.


Three main account types are available for opening:

  • Standard accounts are checking fiat accounts for everyday tasks.

  • Finance accounts work as custody fiat accounts. Therefore, such accounts can include several IBANs generated via API but none of them would be personalized or have their own balance. A Finance account can be used as a custody placeholder for further development on the White Label’s side.
    Finance accounts can be used as Primary accounts. Not every integrated provider supports the functionality. Contact your manager for additional details.

  • Crypto accounts record individual coin ownership.


Account priority status. Mostly, Primary accounts are opened first and used for fee charging.
Click Mark as primary to set the account priority to Primary. Only one Primary account is allowed per client.


Account verification status:

  • New (recently opened, waiting for Identification)

  • Active (fully functioning account, Identification is complete)

  • Suspended (outgoing transfers are temporary blocked until document submission; once the required documents are provided, it is possible to activate the account again)

  • Awaiting provider number (the provider is processing the IBAN generation, the status usage depends on the external provider settings)

  • Waiting for approval (temporary inactive, document verification is processing)

  • Rejected (permanently blocked, no outgoing transfers allowed)

  • Closed (the account is successfully closed)

An account is to have zero balance in order to be closed. Navigate to the Accounts list and click Close to settle an account.

Make sure to differentiate Status from Aggregated status available in Banking Reports. Aggregated status is set according to the following logic:

if state = blocked then blocked
if state = suspended then suspended
if is_person and verification_status = identified then active
if is_company and verification_status = identified then active
else pending


The name of the account opening provider.

  • A Provider is an external service delivering additional functionality via APIs. As an example, the account opening service can be held by Railsr, Litas Sepa, Intercash, and others. Therefore Crassula delivers various banking solutions that do not require manual assistance.

Accounts with no service provider defined in the Provider field are created without account details and can be used for manual transactions. When a manual payment is sent from such accounts, it is processed virtually with no real funds engaged: it is up to the White Label to choose a method of how to deposit real funds to the recipient’s account. Additionally, a White Label can manually generate IBANs for such accounts, though other account details will not be visible in UI.

Provider currency

Account currency (displayed when provided) set at the moment of account opening. The parameter is available only for mono-currency accounts.

Provider currencies (plural)

Account currencies (displayed when provided). The parameter is available only for multi-currency accounts. If there are no currencies selected at the moment of account opening, they are set according to the system configs.

Provider number

An IBAN generated by the financial service provider. Once the IBAN is generated it is not possible to change it.


Show or edit account details.

  • Click Show to open the account details without the ability to edit them.

  • Click Edit to open a profile with the right to edit the details.

  • Click Activate for account activation. Client identification is recommended to be complete.

  • Click Reactivate to activate a closed account.

  • Click Close to deactivate the account.

Profile and accounts are provided with their own unrelated states. Therefore, both profile and account statuses are to be changed, in order to set restrictions to a Client.

Account information remains in the Crassula system even if the account is closed by Client or Administrator.

  • Click Deposit to create a transaction deposit. Mostly, transactions are successfully executed due to provider service. The Deposit action allows administrators to execute account deposits in case of Provider execution delays.

The Deposit action has no “real-money” basis, therefore it should be used in exceptional cases and the Provider deposit transaction is to be finally executed.

  • Click Generate IBAN to assign an IBAN to the account. Applied when the service provider has not generated an IBAN.

  • Click Suspend / Unsuspend to change account status correspondingly. The button is available for all Clearbank accounts except for GBP Virtual.


Search for accounts by certain parameters. Search is filtered by the following parameters, multiple-choice is available:

  • Number - a unique account number in the system;

  • Provider Number - the account number (IBAN) in the Provider system;

  • Type – standard / finance / crypto;

  • Status - account status according to verification details;

  • Provider Name - the account Provider name;

  • Provider Currency - account currency;

  • Client – the name in the Client profile;

  • Holder – the name of an additional account holder;

  • Dormant - filter out accounts that have had no financial activity for a defined period of time. The time period after which the account is considered dormant can be set in the system configs.

  • Balance Reconciliation - filter out accounts that have/do not have inequality in Provider and Crasula balances.

  • Client Tags - filter out accounts by tags set in profiles of the associated clients.

Add new

Open an account manually, see the following sections for details


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

Account details is the main panel of account information display and editing.

Account details




Account information including the Client name, account number, and account type. The field includes the following special parameters:

  • Status changed by—defines the last person who changed the account status. For example, an administrator who activated, suspended, or unsuspended the account.

  • Last charge date—date and time when the last recurring fee was charged.

  • Fee activated at—date and time when the recurring fee was activated. All further fee transactions will be initiated on the activation date. The parameter value depends on the Automatic fee activation parameter.

  • Automatic fee activation—the parameter defines which day of the month will be considered as the fee activation date and initiate fee calculation. All further fee transactions will be initiated on the activation date. The following options can be enabled in the system configs:

    • Account activation time—the Fee activation time will be set to the date of account activation. Recurring fee calculation will be performed starting form the date.

    • First day of the month—the Fee activation date will be set to the first day of the month when the account was created. For example, if the account was opened on 10.05.2022, the fee activation date will be set to 01.05.2022 and fee calculation will start from the first day of the month.

    • Disabled—the account fee will not be activated automatically.


Download a list of account transactions for a selected period.

To export a statement

  1. Set the Currencies field. Transactions in excluded currencies will not be visible in the report. The functionality is available only for multicurrency accounts.

  2. Set the starting and ending dates for the transactions;

  3. Select the Format field to define the required format (pdf or xls);

  4. Click Download to export the account statement.

The system will process large reports and will inform the user with the Export in progress message. Once the processing is done, the download will start automatically. It is recommended to keep the window open.


Account provider details, such as the following:

  • Provider name—the name of a service provider attending the account.

  • Provider currency—the account currency set in the provider system. The field includes the asset name, short name, and network of a cryptocurrency if applicable.

  • Provider external ID—an ID set for the account in the provider system.

  • Provider number—an IBAN provided for the account.

  • Provider currencies—a list of currencies supported by the account.

Provider account numbers

Account numbers delivered by the service provider. The field displays all account numbers, currencies, and requisites for the opened account; a multi-currency account can be provided with several account numbers.

There is an additional parameter available for the Clear Bank service provider:

  • BIC code is available for Clear Bank Multicurrency accounts. If the user selects the Clear Bank Real or Clear Bank Virtual provider, the field should be blank. BIC codes can be different for different accounts.


Account balance in detail:

  • Currency—account currency.

  • Current—total account balance including holds.

  • Reserved—hold transactions.

  • Available—account balance available for transactions.

  • Provider—account balance according to the service provider. The functionality is available only for ClearJunctionReal, CLearBankRealGbp, and ClearBankRealMccy providers. Compare the values in the Provider and Available columns and click Synchronization in case of inequality.

Account Transaction Synchronizations

The section provides a detailed report of transaction synchronization performed between Crassula and Railsr. Wait for the report to be processed (Success and Failed states) and click Show more for transaction comparison details. See Transaction synchronizations for additional details.


Recent account transactions list (see Statement for the detailed list).

  • Synchronization—click to synchronize the transactions with an external provider account. Once the transactions list will be compared to the list of provider transactions, you can see a detailed report in the Account Transaction Synchronizations section. The functionality is available only for Railsr accounts. See Transaction synchronizations for additional details.


The field demonstrates all cards issued to the account

Top sidebar

  • Metadata is an API connection to external service Providers. If any external service has been used, the API link is demonstrated in the tab.

  • Provider config connects an account to the service provider using unique credentials. The functionality is available only for accounts that require manual configuration. See Provider config for additional details.

  • Help: access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

  • Logs: access logging details of every update sent to the service provider. Currently, the functionality is supported by all CurrencyCloud accounts and ClearJunction accounts opened for persons.

Provider config

The tab includes functionality for managing accounts that should be manually connected to service providers, such as IFX Real, by linking the account with the provider’s system and IBANs. While this currently applies to IFX Real, additional providers will be added in the future.


Manual Credentials Setup

  • Administrators are required to log into the provider’s dashboard, retrieve the necessary credentials, and enter them into the "Provider Config" section of Crassula’s Admin Panel. Once this step is completed, the account will be connected to the service provider and fully functional.

Make sure administrators are provided with the Accounts > Provider config access role. Editing is restricted and available only for Super Admins.

Useful tips

  • Use filters in the Account List top-right corner for better navigation.

  • Click Actions > Edit in the Account Details top-right corner to change the account details.

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