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[2023] Crassula Release Week 21

core v.23.05.11-23.05.12
client v.23.05.5-23.05.6


Administrative Panel

Implemented new functionality for updating the GFS score: Now users can easily trigger the rescoring call to GFS by clicking the Rescore check button in the Transactions section.

See Transactions for more detail.


  • Added the Incoming / Outgoing Self types of transfers to the Transactions section of the Administrative panel and to the report downloaded from that section. These types relate to transfers between accounts of one client or one company.

  • Implemented the BeneficiaryCountryValidator validator to check if the beneficiary country bank matches the beneficiary country IBAN.

See Transactions for more detail.


Added detailed information on several methods to the Crassula Banking API docs:

  • POST /transfer/dynamic

  • POST /issued-cards/{id}/top-up

See Banking API for details.



Previously, users experienced an issue while scheduling a SWIFT payment. Now the payments are scheduled as intended.

See Transactions for more detail.

Currency turnover

Users encountered an issue while checking the fee in the currency turnover report. Now the issue is fixed.

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