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Crypto withdrawal limits


The Crypto Withdrawal Limits section allows administrators to manage withdrawal limits for cryptocurrencies across crypto providers. This feature is crucial for ensuring compliance with internal and external regulations, as well as for managing the risk associated with crypto transactions.

This feature provides the following benefits:

  • Manage Risk: By setting withdrawal limits, you can manage and mitigate the risks associated with large or small transactions.

  • Enhance User Experience: Clear and defined withdrawal limits help users understand the boundaries of their transactions, reducing the likelihood of errors or confusion.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to view or manage the withdrawal limits:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar

  3. Go to the Crypto withdrawal limits menu item.

  4. Click Show or Edit in a limit line to open its details.

How to create a Crypto withdrawal limit

To create a crypto withdrawal limit

  1. Navigate to Crypto withdrawal limits under the Banking section.

  2. Click Add New to open the form.

  3. Fill in the Withdrawal Limit section:

    1. Provider: Select the provider from the dropdown list.

    2. Currency: Set the cryptocurrency for which the limit is being set.

    3. Amount: Specify the withdrawal limit amount.

    4. Withdrawal Limit Type: Select whether this is a minimum or maximum limit.

    5. Status: Set the status to Enabled or Disabled.

  4. Save the Limit:

    1. Click Create to save and return to the list.

    2. Click Create and add another to save and start creating a new limit.

    3. Click Create and return to list to save and view the list of limits.


Component parameters





The cryptocurrency to which the limit applies (e.g., BTC, USDT).


The maximum or minimum amount for withdrawals in the specified cryptocurrency.

Withdrawal Limit Type

Defines whether the limit is a maximum or minimum withdrawal amount.


The provider to which the limit applies (e.g., fireblocks, crypto).


Indicates whether the limit is currently enabled or disabled.

Created At

The date and time when the withdrawal limit was created.

Updated At

The date and time when the withdrawal limit was last updated.


  • Edit: Modify the existing withdrawal limit.

  • Delete: Remove the withdrawal limit from the list.

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