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FX provider operational time


The FX provider operational time tab provides a centralized interface for managing the operational hours of various financial service providers. This feature allows administrators to set precise start and end times for provider operations, specify operational days, and manage multiple currencies.

This feature provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides accurate information on provider availability, setting proper user expectations.

  • Efficient Management: Streamlines the administration of multiple providers and currencies, maintaining up-to-date operational details.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to see the list of operational time rules:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Exchange on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the FX provider operational time menu item to open the List.

How to Create an Operation Time Rule

To create a new operation time rule:

  1. Navigate to FX Provider Operational Time under the Exchange menu.

  2. Click Add new to open the form.

  3. Fill in the General section:

    • Provider: Select a provider from the dropdown list.

    • Currency: Select a currency to configure a rule for.

  4. Specify the FX Operation Time:

    • Days of the Week: Check the days when the provider operates.

    • Start Time: Set the start time for operations.

    • End Time: Set the end time for operations.

  5. Save the Rule:

    • Click Create to save and return to the list.

    • Click Create and add another to save and start creating a new rule.

    • Click Create and return to list to save and view the list of rules.


Component parameters





Name of the FX service provider (e.g., Ecb, Kraken, Clearbank, Clear Junction).


The type of currency the provider operates with (e.g., EUR, USD, GBP).

Start Time

The beginning of the provider's operational hours.

End Time

The end of the provider's operational hours.

Operation Time

Detailed operational hours, including days of the week and specific times.


Options to Edit or Delete the operational details for each provider.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

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