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Historical Transactions Accounting


The Historical Transactions Accounting Report provides detailed information on historical transaction statuses, tracking when transactions were initiated, pending, or finalized. This report allows administrators to monitor and analyze transaction flows based on specific timeframes and filters.

The report includes initiatedAt and finalizedAt timestamps, introduced to capture the exact state changes of transactions during their lifecycle.

  • Completed transactions are based on the finalizedAt field, which marks when a transaction reaches a final state.

  • Pending transactions are calculated using historical data that reflects when a transaction was in the pending state.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access historical reports:

  1. Navigate to the Reports section of the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar

  3. Go to the Historical Transactions Accounting menu item.

How It Works

The Historical Transactions Accounting report can be generated from the Admin Panel by applying various filters and parameters to customize the report output. Administrators can view and analyze transaction details for better reporting and decision-making.


Report Parameters

The following parameters can be configured to generate the report:



Period start

Start date for the report. Mandatory field.

Period end

End date for the report. Mandatory field.

Account status

Filters the account status (e.g., Active, Suspended). Multiple options can be selected.


Allows filtering by specific clients.

Client type

Filters results based on client type (e.g., Person or Company).

Client tags

Filters based on predefined tags assigned to clients.


Filters transactions by currency (e.g., EUR, USD).

Data Included in the Report

The report provides the following data for each account:



Account Holder

Name of the account holder.

Account Holder Status

Status of the account (e.g., Active).

Account Number

Unique identifier of the account.


Currency of the account.

Opening balance

Opening balance for the reporting period.

Total transfers received

Sum of all incoming transfers.

Total transfers sent

Sum of all outgoing transfers.

Total commission accrued

Total commission accumulated during the reporting period.

Total commission charged

Total commission fees deducted.

Deposited by operators

Amount deposited manually by operators.

Withdrawn by operators

Amount withdrawn manually by operators.


Total amount refunded to the account.

Converted from currency

Amount converted from another currency.

Converted to currency

Amount converted to another currency.

Closing balance

Account balance at the end of the reporting period.

Actual balance

Current account balance.

Pending incoming operations

Incoming transactions currently pending.

Pending outgoing operations

Outgoing transactions currently pending.

How to Generate the Report

  1. Navigate to Reports > Banking > Historical Transactions Accounting in the Admin Panel.

  2. Set the desired date range in the Period start and Period end fields.

  3. Apply additional filters such as Account status, Client type, Currency, etc.

  4. Click Filter to generate the report.

  5. Use the Export option to download the report in a preferred format for further analysis.

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