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Huntli: Verification process of fiat transfers

All service provider details are subject to change. Navigate to the Reference section for the most recent updates.


The secure and compliant transfer of funds is a critical aspect of modern financial systems. The collaboration between Huntli and Crassula ensures a secure and compliant environment for fiat transfers. Huntli performs thorough verification processes for outgoing and incoming transactions, with configurable options to customize the verification process based on specific transaction types and payment fields. By leveraging the strengths of Huntli's advanced technology and Crassula's robust financial infrastructure, White Labels can facilitate secure and efficient fiat transfers while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

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Verifying Outgoing Transactions

Outgoing Transactions without Pre-Approval

For outgoing transactions that do not require pre-approval, the verification process follows these steps:

  1. Transaction Creation in Crassula

  2. Automatic Checks by Huntli

  3. Execution by Payment Service Provider

The transaction is created within the Crassula platform. It is then automatically forwarded to Huntli for comprehensive checks. If the transaction successfully passes all automatic verification checks, it proceeds to another designated service provider for execution.

Outgoing Transactions with Pre-Approval

When pre-approval is necessary, there are two possible workflows based on when manual checks are performed.

Huntli checks first

  1. Transaction Creation in Crassula

  2. Automatic Checks by Huntli

  3. Manual Checks in Crassula

  4. Execution by Payment Service Provider

The transaction is created in the Crassula platform and sent to Huntli for automatic verification. After the automatic checks, the transaction data is returned to Crassula for manual verification by administrators. If the manual checks are successful, the transaction is then forwarded to the designated service provider for execution.

Manual checks first

  1. Transaction Creation in Crassula

  2. Manual Checks in Crassula

  3. Automatic Checks by Huntli

  4. Execution by Payment Service Provider

In this workflow, Crassula performs initial manual checks on the transaction. Once the manual checks are completed, the transaction data is sent to Huntli for automatic verification. If the transaction passes the automatic checks conducted by Huntli, it proceeds to the designated service provider for execution.

Verifying Incoming Transactions

  1. Payment Service Provider creates a transfer

  2. Payment Processing by Crassula. The transaction remains in the Pending state.

  3. Automatic Checks by Huntli

  4. Completion in Crassula

For incoming transactions, an external service provider processes the payment and sends it to Crassula. Crassula receives the payment and temporarily holds it in a Pending state. The payment details are then sent to Huntli for automatic verification. If the transaction passes all verification checks, Crassula updates the transaction status to Complete, and the corresponding sum is credited to the client's account.

Configuration Options

Huntli Dashboard

Huntli's dashboard provides extensive configuration options to customize the verification process, create verification rules, and monitor screening results. Here you can also specify transaction types and payment fields to be processed.
See the Reference section for additional details.

Crassula data sent to Huntli

You can request additional development to change the number of payment fields shared with Huntli to correspond to your custom rules. Contact your manager for configuration details.


Here are the default transaction fields sent to Huntli for payments made by individuals:

array(21) (
    'PersonIndText' = "Person/company"

There are additional fields on the transaction level sent to Huntli:

  'data' => array(5) (
        'document' => array(15) (

The 'remitterBankName' field is sent to Huntli only when processing SWIFT payments.


For payments made by companies, the default transaction fields sent to Huntli include:


How to see Huntli checks in the Admin Panel

You can see whether Huntli checks have been made for a transaction using one of the following methods:

Transaction parameters

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Select a transaction and click Show.

  3. The Parameters window will provide the verification details if Huntli checks are made.

Transaction alerts

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Select a transaction and click Show.

  3. Navigate to the Check alerts tab

  4. The list of alerts will provide the verification details if Huntli checks are made.

Transaction logs

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Select a transaction and click Show.

  3. Navigate to the Logs tab

  4. The logs will provide the verification details if Huntli checks are made.


Huntli Guide: Huntli-Documentation-v1.8.pdf
Huntli System Overview and video guides:

In case of urgent questions, create an internal request. See How to create a request for details.

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