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Manual payments


If a Crassula customer wants to use an omnibus account from his bank or other financial institution, it is possible to use Manual SWIFT, SEPA, and Crypto payments for its clients.  

This functionality is also useful if Crassula does not have an integration with a BaaS provider or Bank, but a customer wants to start using it to prove the ability to process certain payments before an integration request is paid.

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Send a transaction

To perform Manual payments, navigate to the Administrative panel and create a new Account for the client with the parameter Provider "None". For more details, see Accounts.

Accounts with no service provider defined in the Provider field are created without account details and can be used for manual transactions. When a manual payment is sent from such accounts, it is processed virtually with no real funds engaged: it is up to the White Label to choose a method of how to deposit real funds to the recipient’s account. Additionally, a White Label can manually generate IBANs for such accounts, though other account details will not be visible in UI.

After the client has made a transfer either through Web or Mobile app, you should navigate to the Transactions tab. Created transactions will require manual processing in the Administrative panel.

Manual payments will have the "swift_manual", "sepa_manual", or “crypto” values in the Provider field. 

You should create a similar transaction in the bank account. Once the status of the transaction has been changed there to Approved or Declined, approve or decline the transaction in the Transactions tab.

Perform an action in the Action column based on the transaction status in the bank account:

  • To approve a transaction, click Approve

  • To decline a transaction, click Decline.

Please bear in mind that manual transactions are not performed automatically at any service provider, and Crassula customers should manually process them at the corresponding omnibus account.

Receive a Transaction

To process manual incoming transactions for clients after receiving them at an omnibus account or BaaS provider that is not integrated into Crassula, please refer to Receive a Transaction using swift_manual or sepa_manual provider when entering it to the Crassula Back-office.

When receiving incoming transactions, the Administrator should create a new transaction in the Transactions tab. For more detail, see How to create a Transaction.

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