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Cashback is a reward that can be applied to a person or a company after completing the following transactions:

  • Cashback for outgoing SEPA transfers

  • Cashback for outgoing SWIFT transfers

  • Cashback for outgoing Crypto transfers

  • Cashback for card top-up transactions

The cashback feature can start working only after setting up the cashback accounts, from which the interest accrued during the deposit period will be deducted.

Related pages

Price lists

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access cashback details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Price lists menu item.

  4. Select an existing price list.

  5. Click Show or Edit in a price list line to open its details.

  6. Click Cashback in the top sidebar to access active cashback rules of the selected price list.

How to create a Cashback rule

To create a Cashback reward program

  1. Navigate to the Cashback tab of a price list.

  2. Click Add New in the top-right corner.

  3. The Price list field value will be automatically filled with the current price list name. If necessary, change a price list for the rule:

    1. Click List next to the price list field.

    2. Select a price list from the arisen menu.

  4. Fill in the Details form. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    1. Set a name for the new cashback rule.

    2. Set the rule status in the Status field to define whether the rule should be Active or Disabled once it is created. It is possible to change the setting later.

    3. Set the Operation type field to define the transactions covered by the rule. At the moment, the following options are available:

      1. Outgoing transfers for outgoing SEPA, SWIFT, and crypto transfers.

      2. Top Up Card for top-up transactions made by card.

    4. Set the Beneficiary type field to define the type of the reward recipient.

    5. Set the Payment method field to define an exact payment method for the reward rule:

    6. Set the Valid from and Valid to parameters to define the rule validity period.

  5. Fill in the Amounts form. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    1. Set the Currency field to define the cashback currency. It is recommended to select the default currency allowed by the service provider. If set to Any currency, cashback will be provided in the transaction currency.

    2. Set the Percent parameter to define the reward as a percentage of transaction amounts. The minimum value is 0.5% and the maximum is 100% for all fiat and crypto currencies.

  6. Click Create to save the rule parameters. The rule will be added to the price list. You can edit the details later if needed.

Creating a cashback rule

See Price lists for parameters and description.

Web Interface

Web Interface allows the end user to access their cashback details.

To see the cashback rules

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab of the Web Interface.

  2. Navigate to the Profile tab.

  3. All active cashback rules are available in the Cashback section.

Once an outgoing Sepa, Swift, or Crypto transaction is complete, an additional incoming transaction is created according to active cashback rules.

To find cashback transactions

  1. Navigate to the Payments&Transfers tab of the Web Interface.

  2. Navigate to the History tab to see the list of all transactions.

  3. An incoming cashback transaction is provided with a unique description defining the initial outgoing transaction: Cashback for transaction ID<transaction number>.

See Banking Web Interface for additional details.

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