[2023] Crassula Release Week 3
core v.23.01.10-23.01.13
client v.23.01.6-23.01.9

Administrative Panel
Now the Provider currencies parameter of the Account details window shows the list of currencies supported by the account. See Accounts for details.
config parameter is implemented to improve profile processing. If the parameter is enabled, a client is not suspended in case of discrepancies between the name in their profile and the legal name in SumSub databases. The improvement allows to process client names containing special symbols, such as diacritical marks. Contact your manager for configuration details.Now Crassula and Railsbank (Railsr) automatically exchange data when updating client profile parameters.
Now the Execution time parameter can also be set to a timestamp in the future. The improvement covers delayed execution when a transaction is created outside the provider’s operation time.
The Ethereum Classic (ETC) cryptocurrency is now available for wallets opened by the Fireblocks service provider.
The 2.7.3 version of YooMoney SDK is now supported for payment processing.
Special symbols, such as diacritical marks, are automatically transliterated or substituted to correspond to the format supported by ClearBank. The improvement allows to send transaction details to Clearbank without manual corrections, while Crassula formats are not affected. See Transactions for additional functionality details.
Web Interface
The format of cryptocurrency names is unified for exported payment details. Network details are provided when applicable.
The Dashboard page is not opened anymore after session interruption. Now the session continues from the page where it was interrupted.
Now only the EUR currency is available for European transfers. The currency selection drop-down menu is no longer provided.
The account opening error message is improved to deliver additional details on the rejection reasons. Now it is evident which parameter values cannot be processed.
An error message is implemented for the Currency exchange window. The new message appears when the selected currency is not supported by the selected account.
Network details are now provided for BNB, USDC, and ETC in the Top up window.
See Web and Mobile Interfaces for functionality details.
Administrative Panel
The Block Lost Stolen fee could not be charged for some Railsbank (Railsr) cards. Now the fee is processed according to the standard procedures.
Web links to the Admin Panel always led to the Dashboard page if the admin session had been interrupted. Now web links lead to their destination pages even after a session renewal.
ClearJunction accounts could remain in the Awaiting provider number status in case of external IBAN generation issues. Now the account status is changed to Declined if an IBAN cannot be generated.
Disabled access roles for persons and company staff remained active for some clients. Now the issue is fixed.
Web Interface
Tooltips in the Savings window provided only the initial sum of deposit. Now the tooltip contents depend on the value hovered by the mouse cursor.