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[2023] Crassula Release Week 45

core v.23.11.1-23.11.3
client v.23.11.1-23.11.2



Introduced the new /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/top-up endpoint: This endpoint enables the display of fee information in the card top-up window and allows the selection of the account to be charged for the fee.

See Banking API for details.

Mobile Interface

Enhanced the card top-up window functionality: It now features currency exchange capabilities, enabling clients to top up their multi-currency cards using a variety of currencies. This enhancement allows for top-ups from both multi-currency and mono-currency accounts.

See Banking Mobile Interface for details.



When unfreezing a card during its conversion to plastic, clients with the Intercash provider received an unexpected 500 error. This issue is addressed by changing the error code from 500 to 409 and adding a detailed description of the 409 error code to the API documentation for the POST /api/clients/{clientId}/issued-cards/{id}/unblock method.

See Banking API for details.

Administrative Panel

Enhanced log sorting: Initially, logs were sorted solely by time, which led to unsorted displays when multiple logs were received simultaneously. Now, logs are organized both by the order of transaction flow processing and by time, ensuring a more logical display.


Previously, Between my accounts transactions were included in the calculation of client limits, resulting in errors in the Web Interface. Now, these types of transactions are exempt from limit calculations.

See Limits for more detail.

Mobile Interface

Previously, the Activate card screen provided misleading context help, suggesting the entry of the cardholder's name instead of the CVV code. This issue is resolved, and the context help text is appropriately updated.

Web Interface

  • Clients not fully verified were facing an issue where the Create new account section appeared on the Dashboard. This issue is addressed: the Dashboard will no longer display the Create new account section for clients who remain not fully verified.

  • Previously, if the company's owner changed while a client was logged in, the client would lose access to the Dashboard, resulting in an unresponsive application. This issue is now resolved.

  • Clients previously faced an issue on the Select card account screen where the dropdown list arrow overlapped with the screen text. This visual issue is now rectified for improved screen appearance.

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