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Real and Virtual accounts


Depending on the service provider, real and virtual accounts can be opened for the end user in the Crassula system. Each of the account types serves a unique purpose and operates differently.

Real (Physical) Accounts

A real account, often referred to as a physical account, is an actual bank account opened under the account holder's name at a financial institution. It possesses its own specific banking details and maintains a separate, tangible balance. This account is typically used for direct financial transactions and represents a traditional banking relationship where the account balance directly reflects the funds physically available in the account.

Virtual Accounts

In contrast, a virtual account, or IBAN, does not correspond to a separate bank account at the financial institution. Instead, it is generally linked to a master or pooling account that multiple virtual accounts share. The master account holds a collective balance, which is virtually distributed among the various virtual IBANs generated under it. Virtual accounts are particularly useful for managing multiple sub-accounts under a single master account, simplifying the administration of funds without multiple real accounts.


Is there a difference in how interledger systems work for real versus virtual accounts?

Yes, interledger systems are typically only necessary for real accounts that handle actual fund transfers. Virtual accounts do not require interledger systems as they are essentially internal representations within a financial management system.

Does this mean any amount available in the master account is accessible for withdrawal from virtual accounts?

Technically, yes. However, responsible system management ensures that users can only see and access the funds that are virtually allocated to them within their specific virtual account, not exceeding the total available in the master account.

Can the balances of real or virtual accounts be manually adjusted?

For real accounts, manual adjustment of balances is not possible. These accounts reflect real transactions and balances. On the other hand, virtual account balances can be manually adjusted through API transactions or administrative interventions. This flexibility is useful but requires careful management to avoid discrepancies between virtual balances and actual funds in the master account.

Which type of accounts do manual providers (None) operate with?

Manual providers typically operate with virtual accounts. Even though these do not link directly to a master account, they still allow for the virtual representation of balances, which can be adjusted as needed without real fund movements.

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