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Transaction Synchronizations


The system supports two mechanisms for transaction management:

  • Synchronization (manual) – Triggered by clicking Synchronize in Admin → Account → Show. This process compares transactions recorded in the system with those in the provider’s account. The request is queued and processed asynchronously, generating a detailed synchronization report with transaction statuses. Synchronization can be configured via system configs to include only transactions within a specified date range.

  • Import (automatic) – Runs at regular intervals, automatically retrieving recent transactions from the provider’s system. If new transactions are detected, they are added to the account.

Synchronization vs. Import


Synchronization (Manual)

Import (Automatic)


Manually triggered via the Synchronize button in Admin → Account → Show.

Runs automatically at regular intervals.


Compares account transactions with the provider’s system and generates a detailed report.

Periodically fetches new transactions from the provider’s system.


Synchronization requests are placed in a queue and processed asynchronously.

Runs on schedule without manual intervention.


Can be configured to sync only transactions within a specified date range via system configs.

No manual configuration—fetches all new transactions.

Both mechanisms are provider-dependent and can be enabled or disabled via configuration settings.

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