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Card Product

The functionality is available for Decta and all new card module launches. Customers who launched card issuing earlier than core 24.09.7 and client v.24.09.9 will be migrated during the upcoming updates.


The Card Product solution transforms card issuing by offering fully customizable card options, whether virtual or plastic. This allows businesses to enhance their service offerings with ease. Build your card products to meet specific customer demands and integrate fees seamlessly into the process, delivering a unique and personalized financial experience.

Feature Highlights

  • Customize card products for different customer segments (e.g., standard, gold, platinum).

  • Simplify fee management ensuring consistent fees for all operations.

  • Target card product offerings using the eligibility criteria based on client types or groups.

  • Integrate API or use the intuitive admin panel for card product configuration and management.

  • Enable card issuing for third parties (e.g. Child Projects) via API.



How it works

  • Create a Card Product: Admins can define card attributes such as type (virtual or plastic), provider, currency, and more in the Card Products window.

  • Set Fees: Use the Card Product Price Lists window to configure fees, including issuance, conversion, and shipping.

  • Eligibility Control: Apply client eligibility criteria to control which users have access to specific card products.

  • Availability: Save and publish the card product, making it visible and accessible to eligible end-users.

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