Card products
The functionality is available for Decta and all new card module launches. Customers who launched card issuing earlier than core 24.09.7 and client v.24.09.9 will be migrated during the upcoming updates.
Opening the item
Follow the steps below to access the Card product details:
Navigate to the Admin Panel.
Click Card Product on the left sidebar.
Go to the Card products menu item.
Click Show to open the card product details.
How to create a Card product
To create a card product
Navigate to Card Issuing > Card Products in the admin panel.
Click Add New to create a new card product.
Complete Card Product field:
Name: The name assigned to the card product.
Card Provider: The card issuing provider, e.g., Intercash.
External Product ID: Links the product to an external identifier.
Card Type: Specifies if the card is virtual or plastic.
Card Scheme: Card network (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).
Currencies: Defines currencies supported by the card. Currently. only one currency is avaiable. MCCY cards are under development.
Price List: Connects the card product to a corresponding fee structure. See Card product price lists for additional details.
Convert Into Plastic: Enables conversion from virtual to plastic cards.
Status: Indicates the current status of the card product (e.g., draft, published). You can create a drafted product and publish it later.
Optionally, specify the Client Eligibility Criteria field to define which clients will have access to issue the card. If you set multiple conditions, only clients that correspond to all of them will be eligible for the product:
Client type: Person or Company.
Client Sub Type: The type of persons or companies. See Dictionary for configuration details.
Allowed clients: Specific clients who will have access to the product.
Agent: Agents (and their clients) of the selected Agent company will have access to the product. Only Agent companies with an API key are available for selection. If the criterion is specified, only clients registered by specified agents will be able to issue a card. See Agents for additional details on the solution.
Non-Agent: Only clients not registered by agents will have access to the card product.
Design: Crassula’s default design of the system coloring scheme will be used. Contact your manager to configure other design options.
Save and publish the card product.

Component parameters

Parameter | Description |
Id | A unique card product identification number. |
Name | Name of the card product, used to distinguish it in the system. |
Provider | The card issuing provider, such as Intercash. |
Card Type | Defines whether the card is virtual or plastic. |
Card Scheme | The card’s network, such as Visa or Mastercard. |
Currencies | Supported currencies for the card product. |
Convert into Plastic | Determines if virtual cards can be converted into plastic. |
Price List | Links the product to a defined price list for related fees. See Card product price lists for details. |
Client Eligibility Criteria | Defines the client type to control who can issue the card via Web Interface. |
Status | The card product's current status (Draft, Published, or Unpublished). |
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