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Expiring documents


The Expiring documents tab provides the list of documents that are about to expire. A document is added to the list when there are 14 days left before its Valid until date; therefore, an Administrator is provided with enough time to contact the Client and request a new document.

Related pages


Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access expiring documents:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Expiring documents menu item to open the Document List.

  4. Click a Client’s name to open the user profile.

  5. Navigate to the Documents tab in the top side-bar.

  6. Click Edit in the corresponding document line to open the details.

Component parameters

Expiring documents list




The column demonstrates the names of Persons or Companies the documents belong to.


The column includes the following document types:

  • Passport

  • ID card

  • Driver’s license

  • Company registration certificate

  • Utility bill (expires automatically in 3 months)

  • Power of attorney

  • Bank card

  • Selfie

  • Other


The expiring document files are attached to the column. Click a file name to open it in a new tab.

Valid until

The column defines document expiration dates.


Navigate across the list filtering the items by document ids (available in the Edit mode of a document), client names, document types, and expiration dates.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

Browse and edit the document details in the Documents tab of every Client’s profile.

Document details




Defines the document type which is one of the following:

  • Passport

  • ID card

  • Driver’s license

  • Company registration certificate

  • Utility bill

  • Power of attorney

  • Bank card

  • Selfie

  • Other

Country code

The field provides the Country name the Client’s citizenship belongs to (if available).


The document number assigned by the issuing authority (if available).

Issued by

Defines the issuing authority name.

Issue date

Defines the exact date of issue.

If the issue date is not set by the client, the field will be automatically set to today’s date in account and profile logs.

Valid until

The field includes the date of document expiration.


Document verification state:

  • New

  • Awaiting inspection

  • Approved

  • Rejected

  • Expired

Add new

Attach a new document to the Client’s profile manually.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Useful tips

  • Once a document expires, a notification appears in the top-right corner of the Administrative Panel.

  • Remember to refer to the top toolbar of the user profile for document details.

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